lets make it short...
work is getting slightly better... less workload...
niways ytd my bdae..
went to work.. not all ppl noe bout it... hahaha..
izz fetch me from work.. than we went to peninsular.. wolk from my office, pass by the river and th padang...
than we took the train to amk hub.. bought his advance bdae gift from football madness... yay, my prezzy for him settle and he is so happy...
than we went to eat at ljs.. it was late, wanted to go mac for my cake, but we just buy choc cream pie for replacement... than we went to watch the late night movie at amk hub.. we watch Paranormal Activity at 11.50pm! it was super crappy at the begining, than super scary at the end... i was so scared that i was shivering and izz had to hold me damn tight! i was fucking scared.. hahahha..
it ended at 1.30am... dad fetch us and sent him home... hehhe... he bought me a diary that i wanted so much!! bye!!!
Masturah @ 8:19 PM