todays pics..

hehhehe.. sorry, the sunlight too bright.. we were in the bus heading home..

Arrgghh.. he's biting my head!!! sucking out my brain!!!

cute??? nahhh

this is cuter... cute pose...

he is being stepped like a cockroch... muahahhahaha



my syg so cute like teddy bear... heheheh

he was eating a lemon n his face turns red...

gosh.. he made me take picture with this stupid look...
Masturah @ 11:57 PM

hello hello...
take a look on your right.. i edited my right collumn.. hehehe, forgotten abt it all these while...
niways today went out with my syg... was suppose to meet at 8am.. but both of us overslept and woke up at 9am... so we met at 11am.. took so long cos mum nagged at me...
so we met, than took the train. initially wanted to go to tampines.. than change mind wanted to go to town.. than change mind again go ang mo kio... so we alight at ang mo kio and went window shopping..
we were hungry, so we went to kfc.. but suddenly we saw pizza hut beside the kfc.. since we got the money, we decided to eat pizza hut.. it was so unplanned.. hahhaha.. we ordered couple hut meal... we had two mushroom soup, a plate of criss cross potato and a bbg chicken supreme... i drank strawberry jingle and he drank iced lemon tea.. he go and suck the lemon.. omg! his face turns red but cute... took pictures.. we were so excited cos we get to eat something different.. its our first time eating pizza hut with a bf or gf... hahaha... it cost us $30.. we shared...
than we went to plat at the arcade for awhile.. cheap but boring...
than we decided to head to sembawang park.. its not a beach but its a park.. took the train there... bought two 1.5 litre of pokka drinks at 7 11.. than walk to that park.. its so hot n no one was there... so we got our privacy... took pictures and rested there.. had fun there...
i have to go home early cos my family needs me at home.. sorry syg i could'nt spent the rest of the time with u when u did'nt want to go back.. mum was giving me warning abt coming home late... so we took 962 to wdlands.. than i took 858 back home... i dunno y when i took the bus, after seperated with syg, i cried...
so reached home before 6 as promised.. did the spring cleaning as planned... now i got the time for myself...
i dunno y suddenly feel like trying out latin dance like salsa.. maybe i should take up a course.. i will help me to lose more weight and get in shape... hmmm any recommendations?
i'm gg to work tmr.. but will end early cos its a half day.. i want to meet syg aft work.. but i dunno if i'm allowed to go out and meet him cos my mum definitly will nag.. i guess i'll not go meet him cos i better spent time with my family since they have been complaining of my distance from the family... anw, told syg and he understood.. but i promised him that i will acc him on monday... he wants me to go watch him play tchouck ball.. he is having training on monday...
niways i lost more weight.. now my weight is playing arnd between 71 and 72kg... yeah man... heheheh...
k la... i gtg.. gonna talk to my syg otf soon... bye... i love izzuddin so much..
btw nicw date today 090509...
Labels: 7 more days to our 3rd mth
Masturah @ 11:34 PM

heyhey... i'm posting bout 8 may 09...
sch was ok... had etp orientation for the year 1... so boring...
niways today was so eventful... had a misunderstanding with my sayang... i dun want to talk much abt what exactly happen... i was so hurt...
but i was touched by what my syg said to me... abt life n abt how i meant to him.. its nt something that i expect from him... but it was an eye opener... i'll try to love myself before anyone else... have faith in me, i'll live my life for me as much as i can...
syg, thanks cos u cared that much... nvr tot u would... i nvr knew u love me that much... syg, i love you so much... tot u would leave... but u came back, knocking sense into me... thank u for pulling me back... i didnt noe u did'nt want to leave me as much as i dun want to leave you.... for the first time i was so touched by u abt wat u said... i love you...
i'll search myself again... i'll find my other side that i nvr knew its there that u saw in me... i'll search myself n be happy with myself again...
didnt meet my syg today.. gg to meet him first thing in the morning tmr... missing him right now...
i gtg.. having headache cos i cried too much... gd nite...
Masturah @ 12:19 AM