heyhey ppl.... today i didnt go sch.. u know y? cos my bloody phone just have to play stupid prank on me.. i woke up at 7! and realise my phone was off.. asshole.. i was suppose to be in sch at 7.30... so, too late lor... ask my bro to send me by bike but he got to work.. haiz... i think i noe y i couldnt wake up... firstly, i didnt sleep the previous nite, so i was sleeping for a 2 night in 1 night... secondly, i was having flu, so i took the ful pill where it is so drowsy.. thirdly, i est b4 i sleep that made me sleep more soundly... and lastly, was sleeping inside an aircon room instead of the living room, and that made me so comfy... ya, guess tats y i couldnt wake up on my own.. stupid phone...
niways ytd i had a GREAT day!!! sch ended early... was suppose to meet izz and go library... suddenly, he asked me to join him and his mum to sheng siong supermarket at marsling.. i couldnt reject the offer cos i rejected it like dunno how many times, since i'm free for the noon, i went lor...
he told me to go to his hse first to put my stuff... so i went and reach at 2pm... we took the bus... i sat with his mum instead of him... we chatted all the way to sheng siong... we shop for quite a while.. than we went back.. in the, his mum ask me to break fast at her hse.. i said dun want, scared got his dad... but she sae its ok, just dun mind him... i havent sae anything, she sae," ok settle, break fast at my hse"... hahaha...
so we reach his home... wanted to help her cooking, its just 4pm... ahe said rest first, its too early to cook... so ok la... skali izz have to spoil it by asking me go library with him.. haiyo! so ya, me and izz go lib, he wanted to use internet for his sm... at 6pm, we get out of the library and went to the bazaar... i bought wadeh and otak2 for his mum... and we rushed home...
got to his home, she cooked already.. she no need any help... so was sitting in the living room and showing her some pic in my lappy.. she lend me a pants cos she know i'm uncomfortable in the skirt.. hhaaaha.. go out of the toilet, his dad came home.. argh! scared... we just smile and he went it... his mum got intro la..
during break fast, the 4 of us sat in one table... me, izz, and his parents. his sister not around cos she was working... i was scared so i didnt talk much... was told that his dad wont talk much.. yupp, he didnt... hahaha, he eat abit than we go watch tv... so left the 3 of us... suddenly it got noisy.. we talk alot.. hahaha...
after eating, we keep on chattin until our hand still dirty got dry... hahaha.. we cleared the table... i washed the dishes... hehehhe... aft dinner, we continue sitting at the dinning area.. i show my bro wedd photo to her...and we chatted... than i went off at 8pm... yepp... i spent time with her for 6 hrs.... so long... hahaha... niways she gave me a dress... she call me along to help her make kuih raye... hehehe
we than go off.. i said thanks to her than we leave the hse... izz sent me off.. we walk to wdland mart, to buy some food for me... bought maggie for myself and bought kuachi for him... he walk me to bustop and we missed a bus... chatted for awhile, than the bus came... gave the final hug and kiss, we go off... yepp..
i had a great day with them... i love spend time with her.. seriously.. we chatted alot... hahhaa.. looking forward to spend time with her again... its my first time spending time with someone i love mum.. yepp...
k la, i stop here.. talk too much alrdy.. exam coming... got to study... and tmr no sch... wheeeee.... bye...
I loVe IzZuDdiN... muacks!
Masturah @ 7:16 PM