it was a pretty normal day today... slept late last night cos i was studying.. actually i fell asleep already, but than syg called me... hahhaa... talk for awhile than i decided to hack abt my book n go sleep cos was supper tired n had a rough day...
niways sch was short today... we're off 2hrs early again... wohhoooo... than we all decided to eat out.. fathullah drove his car to sch.. so me, mar, sera n ilah n of cos fath went to imm n eat maccy... gerek la fath.. bwk kerete jgn laju2, kau bwk 4 anak dara org!.. hahahaha..
went back to sch and went for vocal training.. its choir practice!!! wohhooo.... had fun... the previous training was just the girls... it was a pleasent experience n focus.... but today... gosh.. we combine w the guys.. the girls are like twice as many as the boys... i sweat to god, the boys r freaking annoying... they r so noisy n irritating... such a joker n not serious... but funny n wasting alot of our time... but when it comes to singing, they were nice.. so is the girls..
niways we end at 4.. was suppose to meet syg at cck.. but than i change the plan since mar n nisa wanted to take 963.. so i decided to meet syg at wdlands... we were both punctual... we arrived at the same time... thank god i did'nt make him wait again... syg was so sweet... i wanted to ask him to bring my jacket, but when i called, he already left.. when i met him, he brought my jacket along.. he was afraid that i might need it since its a rainy day.. so thoughtful of my syg...
we had early dinner at ljs... than we head to library... i read the comics and he look at pictures... i was sleepy n was having headache.. so we decided to leave early since we r meeting tmr for our special date... so i took the bus at 8pm... and went home...
talked to syg on the phone... i edited his new blog for him... its pretty much done... just need him to change the skin...
haiz.. need to work tmr... tired sia.. n probably meeting syg for our special date...
despite of all the argument and emotional breakdown these few days n weeks, i was able to be happy with him just now... i could laugh and smile and be happy at the same time... i felt so much love.. i'm still searching our happiness... looking out the true happiness when i'm with him so that i could keep him till the end..
kk, i gtg.. bye... i love my baby izzy sooo mucchhh... just hoping that we could stand strong togather till eternity...
Masturah @ 8:31 AM