this morning i heard the most shocking news... i really couldnt believe what i heard... Micheal Jackson passed away this morning... i cant believe it... may u rest in peace King Of POP.... here is the tribute for him...
Masturah @ 11:31 PM

heyhey.. today i went to work.. its an emergency cos 2 of the worker take urgent leave n my bro went to indonesia... work was tiring but good cos sales rise double than usual.. hahah... but i got sick n i'm feeling sick by the min... i'm having flu right now... its painful...
niways aft work went to izz home... my parents drove me to adm mrt station n izz fetch me from there... i was feeling very sick already.. we bought some food for me than went to his hse... we ate n he was still hungry... so i cooked for him prata.. took a shower n went to sleep.. he was using my lappy... i really couldnt take it cos i feel so sick... was tossing n turning... really uncomfortable, stomach hurts, feel nausea, having flu, my fever is catching up.. really feel the pain... was moaning in pain.. izz comfort me... i was so touched of how he showed his concern... n how he comfort me.. we went to wdland mart to eat again.. than he told me to take cab home, he scared that i might faint... izz, thanks for your care n concern, i am touched despite the risk we r facing... although we were in bad terms last night, we put our ego aside n cared more of my health... baby, i love you so much... you gave me comfort.. i hope it wont just be for awhile n fight again tonight.. i wish i could freeze the time n stay at that moment of comfort... thank u for putting ur ego aside n showed me your sincere love n concern... i really love u so much...
i took the cab, the driver was so friendly, we were chatting abt late micheal jackson... of how great he was in his generation.. had a great conversation with him...
tmr i was suppose to work, but in my condition, i better not go n seriously got see the doctor.. i hope its not swine flu as i just came back from ISS camp with the foreign student...
Masturah @ 11:09 PM