trust? why is it so hard to trust? what is trust? today... everything... its all abt trust...
who should i trust now? dun trust me n i am not trusting anyone? can we live that way? why should i trust when it is not gain? u cant force me to trust n i cant force u to trust me...
today i lost somebody's trust, i dun trust somebody n i have to trust another person... 3 person abt different kind of trust.... in the first place, do i trust myself in doing anything? i dunno what is trust.. to give it at the right time n losing it at the wrong time.... giving the right trust to the right ppl... y am i trusting the wrong people who dun deserve it n not giving my trust to the right person who deserve it? i really have an issue abt trusting... its hard for me to trust someone who lost it so quickly.. n i dunno how to gain back someone's trust?
to someone i treasured so much.. i'm sorry for making such mistake n caused me to lose ur trust... its ok if u r not gg to trust me anymore.... i feel guilty n i'm sorry... i really dunno how to mend our friendship...
to someone i knew... i felt i lost my trust n respect to you... enuf is said n discovered.. maybe i should pull myself away from u from now on... u r now just a friend or companion.. not the one i could trust...
to someone i love... maybe time shall tell for us... been trying to trust you... it seems so hard... maybe i didnt... for now i will learn to trust u.. we both need that for our relationship.. maybe nt now but i'm trying... u gained that trust... dun lose it for what u have promised me... we have a long way to go.. lets give it a little time to let it grow....
Masturah @ 11:18 PM

hey there.. here is another 2 favourite song from Notre Dame de Paris... enjoy!!!
Masturah @ 11:05 PM

here is another scene from Notre Dame de Paris the Musical... its my favourite... such a quality performance with golden voice... a short one though... here u go..
another song than captured my heart.. its a very romantic song for esmeralda... here u go... enjoy...
n here the final one for the day.. i find it very sweet n cute... i really love it so much... enjoy!!!!
Masturah @ 12:01 AM