heyhey... had a long day today.. n i'm very tired....
niways went to sch for my student seminar briefing... well actually today the whole day is abt student seminar... so, i reach sch a lil late... meeting ended at 12... we got our pouch n our 2 polo t shirt... n we r expecting another 1 shirt... so in short, throughout this whole trip, our shirt is provided... wow... hahaha...
than at 12 plus, me n dexter, rush out for lunch.. we manage to gobble down our lunch n rush to take the train to raffle's place to meet the rest of the ambassadors who is bringing their group to the location... so today is our walk tru session... the weather is so freaking hot... start our journey along the singapore river towards the victoria concert hall... than went to our first stop which is at the sir stamford raffle's white statue by the river... than take a walk to the, old parliament house, supreme court, city hall, st andrew cathedral and raffle's city.. from there we walk all the way to suntec city... this is our route for our first day tour on monday... but for my team, we will start from suntec n do the reverse...
its 2plus n we have to rush down to the Youth Olympics Centre... was suppose to be there at 3 but we were a lil late... but oh well, our schdule is tight... niways we had a short lecture abt the olympics.. than we have our tea break, we were given old chang kee but no drinks at all... hahaha.. so aft that hade a guided tour ard the exibition... i dun like our tour guide... shall not eleborate cos they r only sec 2... niways than was suppose to play games but we didnt play cos we need to go off.. so we cut short and went for the tour guide training... we r guided on how to give a tour for the foreign student.. the whole thing ended at 6pm... n reach home at 7... soooo ttiirreddddd....
niways reach home, got a blast from my family... they were all worried abt the swine flu... cos i'm gg to have a close contact with the students from hong kong n canada... they all dun want me to go... n they insist on talking to my teacher to find out abt my safety.. haiz.... i am worried myself but life have to go on...
k la, i gtg.. so tired n fucking pissed with someone right now... bye...
Masturah @ 8:19 PM