heyhey... just got back abt 30 min ago.. went to meet my baby after school.. wasnt suppose to meet today.. but he got to return my lappy... niways in sch today was ok.. surprisingly i didnt sleep in class knowing the fact that i only slept 2hrs last night...
today in banking ops class, we were doing practical. today, i took my turn to be the teller.. it was fun but confusing.. so shiok, handle fake money.. hahaha... few days ago we handled real cash of $10 n $50 note... feels good to hold that much of cash.. niways being a teller just now reminds me of my childhood w my cousin.. we used to have a play with money.. hahhaha... but this time round its abit more real with proper procedures... but i hate doing the closing cos its very complicated, espacially if our cash n transaction does not balance... here r the pics we took at the end of the activity... so messy n stressful.. haha..
sch ended at 4.45pm.. so rush out of sch.. went to meet baby izzy at adm... we went arnd the neighbourhood cos he wanted to parkour n i took picture of him doing the stunts.. he did some new stuff.. cool la.. he was sweating like mad... his shirt was wet.. we went to area that we nvr been bfore n he himself have no idea where we were... hahah... than went to this carpark.. chill.. than took the bus to causeway point... went to the library.. baby was freezing cold cos is is wet... hahaha... he injured quite a few times but not serious... whenever he did the stunts, i got scared... afraid he might injured himself.. just ytd he hit his sheen on a wall's edge.. it bleeds n swallen.. haiyo... but todays pic is great... went to library, use the net n i read my favourite comic that he took for me, its foxtrot.. i love it so much... stayed for a while than went off.. bought vanilla cone n head to interchange... we were rushing cos his cousin is coming to his hse... niways his mum bought me kueh chang... hehe.. its so nice of her n i like it... yummy... so here is the pictures..
k la.. i'll stop here k.. bye...
*i cant thank you more for doing the right thing... i hope you'll move on n be happy... i wish u all the best in everything u do... i noe its hard.. but eventually u'll move on... i'll be by his side as much as i can... i will always love him no matter what happens.. its too strong to let go...

heyhey... hahak, slept at 5 plus this morning cos i was talking to my baby online... than i couldnt sleep...
niways, few weeks ago, during an essambly session, mrs yeo make us watch this vidoe abt a couple dancing... it was real touching n amazing... i find it very insparational... here is the video...
than we were asked to write our reviews on it... the whole banking cohort were asked to write n the best pick will win.. n my review came in first for my class... here is the review... we were given question to answer...
1) what i the difference between you and them?
my ans:
other than the obvious physical differences, they have more passion and drive to perform such a sensational performance. such skills to master with their physical differences is so powerful.
2) what've the qualities shown?
my ans:
like someone once said, what does not break a person, makes a person stronger.they made a full use of what they have even if they do not have legs or arms. they have the qualities of a strong heart with sheer determination.
3) what's the main driving force behind their performance?
my ans:
i guess the main driving force behind their performance is their unique ability. it came from their heart and chemistry between the two. it is an eye opener for their physical differences butof what they have displayed, it is their skill and determination. i guess they believe in chances and have a great mental strength.
i love the video.. its really nice guys... i guess in life, its not abt what u dun have or what u r lack.. its abt u doing the best with wat u have even if its lesser than someone else... with determination, we can make something out of nothing... think abt it guys, ur life can be suck because of ur surroundings or mishaps or maybe ur being the unlucky one.. but come to think of it, u can make a difference at least for urself.. they do not use others but the make full use of their capability n delights everyone's heart... its so insparational n motivating... hope u guys enjoy it...

damn it.. i cant sleep... hate it when i close my eyes... i'll see nightmares when i'm awake... i'm glad the episode is over.. i hope so... damn... exam start next week... argh!!! i'm not prepared... i cant afford to screw up....

hey guys... stop it already k...