heyhey.. had a good sunday? mine was great... heheheh
i spent my whole sunday afternoon with my baby izzy at his house.. hehehehe... was at his house since 3pm and got back home at 10pm.. hahhaha.. had a great time with him... my baby was so sweet today...
baby, i love you so much.. nothing would describe how much my love for u... baby, u mean the world to me too... no matter how many times u told me u love me, i still wouldnt know how much u do... but i noe ur love is always there for me... always ready to give me as much as u could... baby, thanks for respecting my decision today.. got to admit u'r the best today.. i enjoyed every single min of it... i guess only u n i noe how much we mean to each other... i'll always be there for u when u need me.. i'm so glad we didnt give up on each other... thank u for not letting me go when i wanted to leave.. i really love u so much...
till here.. bye
Masturah @ 11:39 PM

hey everyone... happy sunday... hahahah.. wth.. nvm...
niways i spent my sunday morning n last night watching both Hunchback Of Notre Dame by Disney n Notre Dame De Paris the musical... both version is different in some aspect... one is children's version n the other is a darker version for the adult.. however both potrays the main thing in this story.. to me, the main thing they r potraying is the pure soul of people with different look n status... well that is my opinion... ok, i better stop talking in literature terms.. i used to be a literature student u see n i love literature.... quasimodo is my favourite.. a pure soul... i appreciate this both musiacal n cartoon version of notre dame de paris...
niways i'll post my favourite scene from the musical.. here is one of few of my favourite that captured my heart.... well, its up to u guys to watch it.... u dun like it? dun watch any of it... if u like it, tell me k... leave me a tag... i got goosebumbs watching it.. i wish i was at the theatre to watch it live... here u go... i'll post more soon...
this song is from the first scene... he is bruno pelletier.. he got that amazing voice... i love him n his voice... he is my favourite actor in this play.. the best voice...
Masturah @ 12:44 PM