this is the soccer ball we bought last week... nice??
Masturah @ 10:26 AM

heyhey.. goodmorning everyone... not feeling too good right now... my throat hurts.. probably cos of lack of water.. hmmm... my fault for not drinking enuf..
ytd... day 1 not meeting izz... him... sux... ended sch freaking early... went straight home, change n went to bed since i didnt have enuf sleep... i purposely avoid myself from calling him but i was holding it n checking my phone every min... i dream abt him when i was sleeping, guess i'm missing him alrdy knowing the fact that we r not to meet or contact each other... suddenly i woke up cos my phone rang... n guess what??!!! izz called!!! i knew it... we talked n decided to meet... hahaha... i cant bring myself not meeting him for a day... i'm too pampered by him i guess...
so went to meet him wdlands... was so hungry cos i havent had my lunch, so we ate kfc.. we than went to library to use my lappy... i took a book called Art in History... i was like pointing out those ancient artpiece that have face n relate it to izz... hahhaha, funny shit... i dun mean it of cos... he knew i was joking n full of nonsense so he wouldnt mind... he noes i'm i can be very merepek when i'm boredn happy... hhahaha.. he seen worst of me b4.. hahahhaha.. fun...
than we went to ljs cos he was hungry... bought the chicken bonanza... aft eating, we went to the pasar malam... than he saw my favourite cartoon.. stitch... hehehehe... soo cute la... hahhaha... niways izz didnt feel good, he was falling sick.. so i decided to acc him for his bus to come than i went home by train... yepp..
hahaha... afterall our stupid deal is off abt not meeting each other until 16... sch gg to end by 12 today.. freaking early.. gg to spend time w him at his home ltr cos he said he lazy to go out... yepp... i love izzuddin laaa.... love him so much... i was silly, i told him the best gift from him right now if he can at least detech his arm n give me... so that i can hug to sleep... hahaha... i love his new haircut... looks neat on him.. argh.. i want izz now, i missing him already... god, its hard to be seperated from him even for a day... gg indonesia next month for 3 days... i cant bare to leave him.... nooooo.... i wish i can bring him along... sian.... i better stop here b4 i brag abt him...
bye... i love izzuddin so much... i want to be in his armpit n sleep... ahhahaha.. siao...
Masturah @ 9:32 AM