i'm missing you so much
y do u have to go so sudden?
leaving us all in tears n reminicense
if i could turn time back
you'll be the one i'll share my sorrow with
i'm glad when we were still togather,
we shared so much laughter
we shared so much joy though
we're caught in this nasty world
if you're still around
you'll be the one i'll listen to
if i could find our memory togather,
you're the one i shared my true smile with
i'm missing the times we had togather
i loved you for giving everyone
ur undivided attention n love
no one blame u for going away
i could have share more time with you
i really love you
n i'm missing u bro
i noe u r looking at us from above
i noe you saw me, saw my mistakes
i noe if u'r still here, you'll be the one
stopping me
from my bad habits
from my stupid decision
n from my mistakes
i could still remember those cries n tear
when u left us
i could still feel the pain when u left
i hope you have a better life up there
i miss you
everyone miss you
we all love you still
u're the best i ever had
i'm glad u'r once my bro
though u may have left
u'r still here in our heart.
may you rest in peace.
Masturah @ 11:00 PM

i'm sorry to break ur heart.. but i didnt go for the competition... got some personal reason.. shall not eleborate... but i'm so sorry to turn u guys down... haiz..
niways i went out with my baby.. he also skipped his tournament... meet him at 3pm at adm... had lunch at kfc than went to the nearest street soccer court and played soccer... wohoo... it was freaking hot but we still continue... yepp, had fun.. baby vent his anger n the ball... niways than we cool down than head to causeway point.. taking a long journey bus.. crap, my stomach hurts like hell..
so went to cwp and went to ljs cos baby was so hungry... he wanted to be vegetarian but he cannot la.... than went to the library... watched videos n read comic... left the library when my lappy batt run low.. bought sundae fudge at maccy than went to the interchange... than i took the bus home.. hehehe...
i love my baby soo much... its getting better these days.. we're working things out.. we're breaking the ice... after so much days of havoc n unhappiness.. today for the first time after all the heartbroken, i saw that eyes that i used to love... i was sincerity... i felt warm when i see his eyes looking back at me when we talked.. we share a that moment that is unexplainable... it wasnt hugs or kisses... it was something much more than anything i could ask for.. in that eyes, i knew, i'll keep him save inside my heart.. even after all that shit that happens for the past few weeks or maybe mth.. everyone deserve a second chance.... that moment we had was something so precious that i cant share with anyone... i just love him so much.. hoping nothing will bring us apart...
i'll stop here... bye.. meeting my baby tmr for the last time before the promise....
Masturah @ 9:40 PM