heyhey.. have not updated for a week already.. wow.. hahhaaa... ok... here u go... had an eventful week last week...
went to sch for a while in the morning... than by noon, i cant take it, i decided to go off on see the doctor.. i was so sick, throat hurts, so sore and was coughing and was having flu... so i reached there at 12.30.. but was told to come back at 1.30.. irritating sia! on my way to te doctor, i discovered that my leg all the way below my knee to ankle was covered with red spots, i was so shock... so i went to the polyclinic... he said that the spots is probably due to the fever i had which was 39.0 that friday and on and off fever after that...got 5 days mc again... another 5 medication again...
after that went to meet izz at his home... he was shock to see my leg, than he make me wash my leg with soap... he dried my leg with towel and infront of the fan and than he wipe it with alcohol swap... he was no even disgusted with my skin condition... than he lent me his jeans so that i can go out without showing off the spots.
i was at home the whole day resting... was so sick and tired... but i went to my parents shop at pasir ris in the evening...
went to meet izz and rested at his place... i felt better, so i went to play soccer, just kicking the ball around, but i got so hyper.. haha... and guess what, at night, my leg hurts like hell.. i mean the spots... it got super red and swallon by the min.. izz was mad at me for not gg to the doctor again abt the mysterious spots...
i was suffering the whole night.. was crying and couldnt take the pain.. i tot of gg to the doctor at night, but bcos of the family's situation, decided to endure the pain till morning at least.. i couldnt sleep at night... i sleep at 5plus...
called my mum in the morning, i couldnt take the pain anymore.... mum left the shop with dad to take me to the doctor... dad drop us off at polyclinic... waited for 2 hrs to see the doctor and guess what? the refered me to the hospital cos i was in a severe condition... my leg was so swollen and red... i was limping and crying...so we took the cab and had lunch first at our area... ppl there who knew us said it looked bad... some suggested to look out for supernatural reason, some advised to eat certain traditional med and some told me i might have been poisoned... we went home for awhile to take some necesary stuff and took cab to the nearest hospital which is in this case is Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
i was crying and cursing any car that made the taxi slow down... reached TTSH, i was put on a wheel chair and wheeled to Accident and Emergency(AnE) unit... went in and a couple of doctors examine me..
was told that i dun have a choice but to be admitted in the ward, since i'm alrdy 19, i can be treated here n dun hae to be transfered to KKH...
the doctor said that my immune system too low and caused my leg to be like this.. the reason i'm in is that they worried that it might infect my kidney.. they took my blood for test and put me on drip... was warded abt 2 hrs later...
mom was there for me the whole day.. i was warded to ward 7C bed 84. my 3rd bro rushed to the hospital right after work.. than my dad came... told nana abt it and she was shock and came in in the evening... soon after, my granny and 1st bro came straight from the shop... everyone was worried... but i was enjoying the food.. hahah...they all sat around me and chat. i felt so warm. at night my aunt and uncle came and last visitor was adeq, my cuzzy... izz called me every now and than to check on me, on my condition.. he wanted to keep me company otp at night but my batt died... my leg hurts so much that had to be wheeled to the toilet... i had to pee every hour and need to do urine test..
my neighbouring bed is all the old patient who is bed ridden and looked like going to die... i was the youngest one... 3 on call doctor came to check on me... they take me off the drip nad took blood test again.. at AnE they took on my left arm, than at the ward, they took at my right arm.. guess what, they poke me 3 times than finally my blood come put.. idiot... pain... but i imagine my leg hurts 10 times worst... they also did H1N1 test on me where they took my dna from my nose and throat.. damn hurt... its negative... good...
was waken up in the morning for bp test.. ahd breakfast than the team doctors came in... there were two of them.... they did a thorough check on me and asked me damn alot of question.. they couldnt confirm what is the problem cos they said its not a common case... mom came in aft that... she was actually here since 8.30 but couldnt come in till abt 10am cos they doctors was making their rounds.. than tot of gg down with her but was told that i'm not allowed to walk arnd. mom went down alone to buy some toiletries....
the same doctor came in again with another doctor who looks more senior and more experienced. she she did all sorts of check on me... she finally said that its caused by my throat infection, my immune system is too low that i couldnt take the bacteria. that was why the spots came out. its infecting my blood. they still investigating my kidney..
mom came back, with toiletries and some snacks and she bought me teddy bear.. whee... aft awhile, anothe team of doctor came in... there were abt 10 doctors came to see me... i got scared.. hahaha.. they are now doctors and was intro abt the disease i have...
at noon the dermatologist came in to check on my skn condition... he said its a heat rash called purpura. i was told that i need to do a biopsy to take some skin sample for investigation.
than in the after noon another doctor came in, she is a student doctor... she had a chat with me talking about my condition, she is a nice doctor. we talked for an hour. than i had another blood test, this time round, they had to take it from my wrist.
no one came to visit cos all were so busy cos on sat my entire family is gg to indon for my bro's wedding... izz acc me on the phone the whole day cos he couldnt come, we were always interupted by the doctors and nurses.
by evening, i felt so sad that i cried for making the whole family worried and the fact that i cant make it for my bro's wedding, abg im. he called me, he asked me again about my condition. i was so upset and i knew he wanted me to be there for his big day.
i did some thinking and i decided to talk to the doctor so that i can be discharged. a couple of on call doctors came in... told them my situation. my parents came at 10pm... they decided to discharged me cos i was in stable codition. i was finally out at midnight, emergency case cos i need to catch the flight at 9am.
i was so lucky cos mum decided to take the dress from the tailor though initially i wasnt able to go. than my aunty who was suppose to make my dress finished on time though we told her to slow down as i gave the cloth last min.. i didnt have the time to buy my white attire for saturday event, thank god another aunty lend it to me which happens that its a perfect fit for me. wow.. i was so lucky.. than we went to eat at coffee shop, i was craving for murtabak and indian rojak. reached home at abt 1am...
izz was so mad and so upset with me cos i' gg to indon despite of my condition which is not fully recovered, he was so worried that i might get into worst condition. he was already planning to accompany me the whole day on sat since non of my family is in singapore... than his mum wanted to come aft work.. he was sick too... gosh, but its my bro's big day, he almost cancelled the wedding cos mum dun want to go, she wanted to be there for me and for him too... my family went through too many disaster and challenges cos of this wedding... so i had to go even if it risk my life... i was in bad terms with izz..
niways though the investigation did not complete, they dianosed me with Henoch Schonlein Purpura.
abg im postponed the flight for me cos he scared that it might be too rushed for me, he change it to 12 noon... but when we reached there, the flight delayed to 3pm... reached jakarta at 6pm... were late cos one of our lagguage went missing but found it at last.. niways togather with the groom, there were 25 of us. we reached Bogor, Jakarta at 8pm.. we missed the saturday event, its a Sundanese tradition. its at 2 to 5 pm... he stayed at the hotel guest house, its a bunglow for the whole family. it belongs to Hotel Salak.
reached there, prepared the things for the big day, went to bed at 12 and got up at 5am.. had make up artist doll us up and leave the house at 7am. went to Hotel Salak for the wedding or in malay called Akad Nikah. its so nice and they had their wedding tradition displayed.
it ended at 12. everyone went for a quick shopping while i went to sleep as i as so weak cos i'm on medication.. at 2pm, the make up artist came and we get dressed and left at 5plus for the wedding dinner reception.
i wanted the brides bouquet so badly, nt that i want to get married next but i love the bouquet.. when the bride threw it, my cousin got it, but she gave it to me knowing that i wanted it so badly... it was messed up, but i filled it up with rosses on displayed and i brought it back to singapore..
me and my cousins didnt sleep, i transfered pics from everyone's cam... at 1 plus the newly wedd came to chill w us, but since the rest sleep, the 8 of us went out for supper at one of the street's coffee shop... ate bbq banana, and indo mee... sooo delicious... reach our guest hse at 3am, just in time for everyone to wake up..
we all got ready and hit the road at 4.30am... the trip is 2hrs... and reached at 6.30, so early but gd la, btter be safe than sorry... took the flight n reach singapore at noon... we went to chill for chat a coffeshop at changi road..reached home at 3pm, talked to izz otp.. we we in mad terms, he was so upset w me for leaving in my condition... had tiffs and cried, in the end we meet at 8pm.. went to library, had dinner and met his mum for a while... went home at 10pm...
tuesday (today)
went to meet izz at 11am.. was suppose to go back to the hospital but they postponed it to a later date... rested at his hse, he cooked for me, again he cleaned my leg for me... we watched dragon ball... he made me feel so warm... i missed him like crazy cos we didnt meet for 4 freaking days...k la.. i better go now... g to sch tmr... i miss everyone..
i love izzuddin like crazy.... hehehe.. his smell is my heroin...
Masturah @ 10:03 PM