hello... its been a long time since i last updated... hmmm..
sat, my parents bdae... went serangoon to eat roti naan.. damn nice... seriously sooo good.. yummy... the service also good.. hehehe... n met my bro's fren, so hot! he is from india, looks like hindustan... gosh.... his gf look like arabian, so pretty... here are the pic.. look nice right? see la,now i hungry!

sunday went to work and end early, didnt sleep the night.. so i work like zombie.. my parents were at another shop, left me n bro, but my bro were sick, so i do the work alone.. i love it cos i get to cook alot of dishes... my pay also gerek for a half day like dat... than aftrnn meet izz for break fast... ate kfc... yum yum yum...
monday... teacher's day celebration.... didnt go sch cos lazy... hahaha... didnt even go back to my ex sch.. got personal reason... went to mit izz again to break fast with him... hehehe...
tuesday... was sick, i'm having flu... u didnt go out the whole day... i completed my NYAA gold report, like finally sia! total got 26 pages.. but i think need to add executive summary... so gg to total up to 30 pages! and all is ON MY OWN WORDS! no copy paste like all my other reports.. hahaha
i couldnt sleep last night, got irritated with my nose... was so hungry, went down to the shop at 5am to but maggie cup for me pre dawn meal.. izz wasnt sleeping too, so was on the phone w him when i went to the shop.. thanks hunny for the company, its freaking 5am!
today mitting izz again.. yay! plan to use lappy at lib, than go his hse for awhile than go sembawang Giant... yupp.. thats the plan.. yay, cant wait to meet my deary!!! ytd he made my day though we didnt meet.... i love him so so much... i'm gg crazy...
niways, here are the pic of food we ate on friday... the day i break fast at his hse... hehehe, refer to previous post...

Masturah @ 10:20 AM