heyhey... had a great day today meeting izz... met him at 4pm i think... cos i had to do some stuff for my mum first...
we went to sembawang today... went for parkour, i didnt do it cos i dun feel like doing it.. i have a wardrobe malfunctionl... thank god, i'm in luck, izz brought extra shirt.. so i wore his shirt... than we had our meal at kfc at sunplaza... aft our meal, he wanted to go to this park, so we took the bus n go to this place that we nvr been before... it was ok la, but got lots of bangla, dun quite like it... we had a race like the ninja worriors.. hahahha... than we took the bus back to adm... by than its 7pm...
went to his hse, no one was arnd... took a shower n again wore his shirt n shorts... its been a freaking hot day today... than we watched tv n play games... at 9 plus, we go off... went to wdland mart to have our late dinner... bought chicken rice for him, i went to buy it.. than i dunno y, this hot guy keep looking at me, even izz also noticed... these days got many eyes looking... hmm, but i'm not gg to believe wat izz said abt ppl approaching me... niways izz was a lil sick... so we went to the block near the bustop, took pic than i went off.. was a lil cranky when i'm gg home.... not gg to meet him tmr cos he is gg out with the guys tmr, might meet him at town since i'll be there to tmr n he is gg to meet them there.. niways i reached home at 11pm... so late sia!!! hahahah... today wore 3 of his shirt.. omg.. i better return his shirt soon or else he will run out of things to wear... niways he had a surprise for me, forgotten abt it at his hse, go off than remembered... he said he gg to pass it to me the next time we meet... i alreadt knew abt it, but i'm not gg to say it here until i see it.. cos i cant believe he will do that for me...
niways here r some of the pic for today... not much though...

tmr gg to be a busy day for me... i have a meeting at sch at 10.30 am for student seminar.. than at 1pm, need to go down to raffle's place for a walk tru session for the foreign student, we need to noe where to bring them.. than at 3, need to rush down to tangling for Youth Olympic Games tour training, cos we need to bring the foreing student to the YOG places for industrial visits.. yepp.. so i'll be at town area.. that was y i say i might be meeting him there tmr...
k la, i better go now... i think i'm falling sick.. my body ache, my throat hurts, been sneezing n feeling gonna hit by fever.. oh no! i dun want to be sick at these crucial time!!! no!!! niways, bye...
Masturah @ 11:59 PM

heyhey... omg! had the scariest nightmare!!! thank god izz called n woke me up.. i was trembling when i woke up.. scary.. god, please dun make that freaky nightmare come to life.. i dream that i was stuck in the lift with another 2 person.. we were like frame by someone. stuck there for 10 years... n aft 10 yrs, the world change to baberic... god no.... scary shit... izz saved me from that nightmare...
niways last night, izz msg me, we talk it out tru sms.. i was so tired, n half of the time i dunno wat i replied n some of it i didnt reply until he call me... wasnt on purpose,i was extremely tired... i slept without even taking out my contact lense, with the laptop on my bed at the korean drama web page n the light still on... sorry baby i couldnt converse with u last night... he was determine not to let me go n make sure i didnt leave him.... was upset last night.. but when i hear his voice when i woke up, guess i wont go away from him... aft what we converse abt, i cant bear to leave him cos i love him so much n the fact that he puts in the effort, i cant... told him i'm giving up... but he told me.. "please dun give up".. its telling me he dun want me to go...
i really love him so much... gonna meet him today... gonna spend the whole day with him today.. i'm gonna treasure everyday i have with him cos we never noe when we have to go.. like he say the other day, life is unpredictable... he was scared of losing me.. i guess i was cruel to make such decision on a day like ytd... to make his day the worst day of his life.. gosh, wat am i doing? guess the love we have is too strong for each other to let go...
i got to go now.. gonna meet him soon... bye..
Masturah @ 12:09 PM