dun take him away from me... i love him too much to let go... i'm going to be selfish for once, just this once please.. please please dun take him away from me... i noe he's sweet... just dun take him away from me... i noe u r reading this.. please dun take him please... i love him so much...
Masturah @ 5:31 PM

heyhey.. good morning everyone... hahak.. i just reach school abt few min ago.. right now waiting for the lesson to start.. i dunno y, i just dun have that urge to study for today's exam.. and guess what?? my test is postponed again.. wohooo!! am i lucky or what.. niways, its gg to be another long post.. dun say i didnt warn you...
today i dun want to meet my baby izzy.. i got to cut down on the days i'm meeting him for a few reasons...
1. scared meet to often will be bord of each other.. i'm no but i dunno him la...
2. need to save money
3. need to focus on my work
4. got to give time for my family
5. need to give him some space
6. i need time for myself
however, i will still want to spent time w him.. mum already nagged at me for gg out with him too often.. so must resist my temptation not to meet him too often n i must trust him...
niways... this third month i spent with my baby is a testing month for us.. we have been arguing alot.. we argue becos of other girls involved in our relationship.. broke up n patch back like everyday... we went tru alot.. i broke my record for crying like everyday.. had a serious argument but not fighting... but above all those tears, heartbreaks, sleeples night.. its a helps to build our love n trust stronger... it was such a mess and havoc but we manage to deal with it.. we almost arent able to celebrate our 3rd mth.. cos the last few days b4 the 3rd mth, we had alot of emotional breakdown moments... at least after all the troubles we went tru, we know how much we love each other... at least i understand more abt him.. yes of cos i'm so hurt this whole month... gave him chances n still heartbroken.. but than again, we work things out.. changes take place slowly.. u dun expect ppl to change overnight rite? afterall we just spent 3 mth w each other.. i really love him so much... he felt like a treasure to me.. we r not just lovers who day in day out saying we love each other but we r like bestfriends too were we do things togather n tease each other like crazy.. shared troubles n try to undrestand each other... i did suggested to him lets be bestfriends since we argue abt other ppl alot... but he dun want that.. so ok la, we continue what we r.. n i'm glad we r still togather after all the hardship.. i noe some of u will be grinding ur teeth in anger..
i just want to thank my friends who stood by me this few weeks.. these few weeks have been so rough n like a stormy seas.. would like to thanks the girls out there for their understanding.. u guys sure felt what i felt.. it hurts, yes i noe... i noe the truth n he told me everything i guess.. yes i'm mad at him and we did had a serious arguement.. thank you for understanding how a girl in love felt.. i cant say thatmy relationship with him will last forever.. i dunno how long are we gg to last with each other... we cant tell the future.. we can only wish.. but the rest is up to fate.. like bby izzy once told me.. "lets forget the past, we dunno the future and you r my present..." although he did such things, he never treat me so bad... he's been nice n i've always been his priority..
baby.. i hope we r able to celebrate our 4th month... n the following month n years till eternity.. baby, i love you so much no matter what.. i can promise you that i will love you no matter what.. even if i'm so mad at you.. i cant stay mad at you for too long but i'll always be mad at you n feel disappointed.. but i noe one day you'll change for the better.. i'm not saying that its ur fault for making me feel so hurt this way.. maybe its my fault too that i decided to do such things.. i dunno n we have alot to work out with each other... i'm glad you realised yourself last nite at caused you to say such things.. but baby, dun worry, u'll always be in my heart.. just need you to treasure what you already have.. baby, i love you so much..
thank you for not taking him away from me... please dun take him away from me... god please help me... i wish i could share more abt our relationship, but i'm sorry, i acn only tell the general.. the rest is a mystery n kept soulfully between me n my baby izzy.. i love you so much and thanks for loving me this much...
Masturah @ 9:19 AM