heyhey... went to work today... it was ok n tiring as usual.. maybe i'll be working again tmr... niways went back at 5 plus... was tired... but baby wanted to meet.. so i went home to shower n change..
met him at adm and decided to go to wdlnds library... i did my revision for my final papre thid coming wednessday.. its Customer Relationship Management... i can tell u its the hardest module among the three this semester... i can only do as much as i can n hope for the best... baby was using my lappy... doing his soccer manager...
after awhile we decided to leave n have dinner... we had our dinner at ljs... was so kenyang... hahahha... than decided to "work out" hahhaha... yeah, work out by walking all the way to adm... yepp, its been a long time since i walked with him... had fun with him...wheeee... reach the bustop to take 969... we sat n waited for the bus.. suddenly he asked me to acc him home cos he will be bored walking home alone n wanted to spend more time with me... so ok la... i walk with him... he carried my bag cos its heavy... reached his block than he sent me to the bustop n waited for my bus with me.... my bus came.. had our final hugs n kisses than i board the bus... than i took the train home...
i love my baby like crazy... things are getting better n we r happier... will squabble as usual n revenge on each other like small kid than we make up to each other... hahaha... i'm enjoying every part of our time togather...
but to all the happiness we had right now, somebody else is suffering... get well soon k babe... take care of urself... life is more precious, more than anything even if the content is sucks at the moment... u never noe one day u'll be someone important to a fortunate soul... treasure life as it is.. i wish u well... thank you for being brave n honest... thank u for giving up something for me, for my happiness... yes i am happy right now... i wish u will get happiness that u deserve one day... take care...
niways i'm watching Notre Dame De Paris the musical in youtube... its nice n haunting... but only watch it if u r interested.. if u dun than i guess u'll be bored... but to me, its nice... i'm gg to watch it finish tonight hopefully...
k la, i gtg... bye... i love my Izzuddin sooo mmmuucccchhh... he asked an important question.. i dunno... should i? maybe time shall tell... hahahkk... bye..
i love izzuddin no matter what....
Masturah @ 11:53 PM