good morning ppl..
i just want to say that i'm missing my izzuddin so much.. i dunno how long its gg to take till this matter gg to resolve.. i love him so much... no matter what happen, he'll always be in my heart..we've done too mcuh things togather that it seems hard to let go.. we're never the typical couple to me... to the girls out there, he is my dearest boyfriend.. the one that made promises to me... the one who showered me with love.. i just wish that no one will come in between.. in case u guys havent noe, he is my sweetest devil boyfriend.. i love him so much and i dun want to let him go... can that happen? i love him so much... dun take him away from me... god please help me...
i gtg now... its the wedding.. the first pic is taken ytd at malaysia... the other 2 is me n baby few weeks ago.. i miss him and i love him so much... muacks
Masturah @ 10:36 AM

on thursday... before i left for malaysia, i went to meet up with my baby... it was ok la, i acc him to buy some snack than quickly go back home..
reach home i switched on my lappy and accidentally came across something.. i got mad cos its abt baby.. called him to confront cos i was really upset abt what i found out.. he was denying the fact when i noe its the truth... had a fight over the phone.. than he asked for break up.. it was his fault and there he go blaming me again.. its like what the fuck... was sad la...
than just abt to go off, we happened to call each other at the same time and that was y our line were busy.. i was crying madly... n i was in public place, walking to north point, alone.. he heard me cry.. i was sobbing real bad... his voice was cheerful and he was like saying that he dun want a break up... he tot it over and he dun want to lose me... he tried to cheer me up.. my eyes were swollen...
and right now i found out something again... i dunno is it her fault and i'm gg to call her a bitch or its his fault for being too cheeky and greedy... he hurt me alot these days.. its clearly shown that i should'nt stick around.. i should be breaking up with him.. does he even deserve me? i was so loyal to him, is he? i dunno why is he doing this to me... i thnk i might as well break up with him... maybe i should'nt waste my time idling on someone who dun take me seriously... why should i keep him here in my heart when he took someone else.. i dunno if its true that he is with that girl... but its like so clear.. y am i still waiting here? y am i still sticking around.. he hurt me so much already.. i love him so much but does he still love me? does he really love me? i dedicated my blog to him.. what for? when he dun even bother to read it.. maybe i should end this.. it'll hurt me so bad to leave him but whats the point of staying? does he want me or something else?
why is he doing this to me? y should i shower him with so much love and sacrifice so much but he dun even appreciate it? am i blind? maybe i'm dumb.. maybe i should just leave... it really hurts me... i just need to cry.. goodbye...
Masturah @ 2:33 AM

heyhey.. its past 2am now and i am in malaysia.. its my aunts wedding in a few hours time...
we came with two honda stream car... reach abg yamin house at 5am... slept for a while than go to nyai nab house where its the brides house... at 10am, we leave for the akad nikah ceremony.. the ceremony was held at masjid besar shah alam.. the biggest mousque in shah alam..
than head back to the bride house for a light refreshment.. we were all so tired that we went back to abg yamin house to rest.. we all slept the whole aftnn... than went out to shopping at shah alam mall at 7pm... the mall there quite boring.. did'nt buy anything..
than we head to the brides house to help with preperation... i help to put on henna on my aunt n cuzzy hand... nice... i'll upload the pics soon... than went back to abg yamin's house at 1am...
so thats for today...
Masturah @ 2:20 AM