omg!! my throat hurts again...
i actually have recovered from it over the weekend. was so happy tat i can eat again. and i manage to eat all the stuff i want.
but today, i drank very little. my throat hurts alot. i take a look and saw the ulcer was bad!
the redness was so reddy and swallon, and at the edge, its yellow and tats the ulces. trust me, its bad and hurts. omg!!
one piece of advice, please drink alot af water and if u feel ur throat hurts, go take vanilla ice cream, trust me, it help
my med left w one pill. i think i'll go to the doctor again.
i am very tired, been blogging 2 days event... i go sleep now, meeting baby in 5 hrs time, hopefully... bye
Labels: damn it hurts.

we took the train to tampines. baby called amalina for direction, thanx babe. so we took the bus and reached tp. was raining along the way. waited for mr wilson choo at the visitor centre at tp. it was a nice place. mr choo is a nice person. i am impressed by the students sketches, i see they have put in the effort.
than we took a short but eventful bus trip. we were kissing n hugging tat i did'nt realise my wallet dropped. a passanger alert us. than when baby wanted to take it for me, his bag dropped like 3 times. paiseh sia.
at bedok, we went to eat at kfc. food and service there is bad. so we head to the library. sat at one corner. used the plug and internet than got chased away. sat at the second floor but internet connection was bad. so we went into the quite room. the sofa there is ssoooo comfy tat i fell asleep a couple of time while baby were using my lappy.
i went to out of tat room take some books alone. was at the shelf and i was alone. suddenly got this man in his mid 30 approach me. he asked me if we could be friends. he asked my name and where i stay. i lied saying i stayed at wdlands. than he asked y i am here so far. i said i am w my bf, the min i mention bf, he walked away. that was a good escape from him. scary sia. he look like a pervert. i quickly went back to the room. we stay till 7.45pm than take our leave. b4 going for the bustop, we went to ntuc to buy a drink than we to the bustop to take bus 168 back to wdlands.
we were sitting at the top and at the back. no one was at the last row. we were like cudddling each other and making out. i really love to be in his cuddle, especially when its cold. we were doing some crazy stuff. had lots of fun up there. along the way, baby was tired, he lay down and put his head on my lap. i played with his hair in eye brow. i did like how mothers do to their children. he loved it and fell asleep.
reach wdland, we decided to have dinner at kfc again. i bought 2 piece meal. we shared the meal. i knew he was hungry but out of cash, so the best way is to share, each get one piece. we went out as fast as we can cos it was freezing. we sat at interchange while waiting for my bus. i did'nt let him take the bus w me cos he use adult fare and we have been going everywhere by public transport. we seperated at abt 10pm.
because we're left with 3 days, he decided to spent this 3 days with me. he was suppose to go for his cca. but he skip cos he wants to spent time with me. i scolded him but he said please. so ok la, let him be, he use the time fully spent on each other, not missing each other's glimps.
tmr(ltr) we r meeting again. since i have meeting at 11 at town, he decided to come meet me early in the morning, b4 i leave for the meeting. than after tat we plan to watch 'coming soon' at yishun gv. so that is the plan. yay, gg to spent time w him again...
kk, i stop here.. bye..
Labels: i love izzuddin..