its a song that i dedicate to my baby izzy... my one and only sayang... is it wrong to love him so much? here is the lyrics with translation...
Ku tatap dua bola matamu
Tersirat apa yang ‘kan terjadi
Kau ingin pergi dariku
Meninggalkan semua kenangan
Menutup lembaran cerita
Oh sayangku, aku tak mau
Ku tahu semua akan berakhir
Tapi ku tak rela lepaskanmu
Kau tanya mengapa aku tak ingin pergi darimu
Dan mulutku diam membisu
Salahkah bila diriku terlalu mencintaimu
Jangan tanyakan mengapa karena aku tak tahu
Aku pun tak ingin bila kau pergi tinggalkan aku
Masihkah ada hasratmu ‘tuk mencintaiku lagi
Apa yang harus aku lakukan
Tuk menarik perhatianmu lagi
Walau pun harus mengiba
Agar kau tetap di sini
Lihat aku duhai sayangku….
(Ulang korus)
here is the translation
i looked in your eyes
i saw whats going to happen
you wanted to leave me
leaving all the memories
closing our love story
my love, i dun want that
i know its going to end
but i'm not willing to let go
you asked me why i dun want to leave
but i just kept quiet
is it wrong to love you so much
dun ask me why cos i dunno
i dun want you to leave me
will u still even love me?
what should i do?
to get back your attention
even if i have to beg for it
so u will still be right here
look at me my love
Masturah @ 4:51 AM

i talked to izz on the phone.. yeah he admit it that he had another girl behind my back... that was the reason why i was like in no mood at the trip.. i found out abt the girl from his tagged.. she gave comment... n i did something to make her find out.. i purposely added her in my friendster, n there she find out.. i am very dissappointed with him of what he did... very heartbroken... when i mention abt break up, he take it lightly... he say he want to break up cos he dun want to hurt my feelings..but he dun want to let me go cos he love me....i figured it out that he wants to enjoy his single hood since he still young... i dunno y aft finding out the truth, i dun want to leave him..i dunno y i was so stupid not to leave him. i just cant find myself to leave him cos i love hi so much.. ya i was hurt but is still love him... i dunno what to do... should i leave him? y should i leave him when i still love him very much? y am i so stupid??? is it wrong to love someone this much? y am i taken lightly? he told me he wanted to be with her cos she is dirty minded.. wth.. if i dun leave him, everything else suffers... god help me please... help me with my dicision... can u guys drop me a comment on my tag board and give me advice... i need help please... i love him so much... i just want to be there for him when he needed help... i just want to help him out of his misery life.. i just want him to be happy.. its never abt sex when i'm with him.. i just want him to have a good life.... i just want to love him as much as i can.. is it wrong to do that? does he want all this in the first place?
Masturah @ 4:10 AM

heyhey... i just got back from malaysia... sooo.. on the last day at malaysia, we went to the grooms wedding ceremony.. they have two different day for wedding, one is the brides day and the other is the groom's. it was held at a hall... nice setting.. its like a king's wedding... as usual, the bride look real stunning... than we went back to the brides house to do final pack up than leave the house, back to singapore... i think we left at 3pm..
so the journey damn long.. we made a pit stop to nilai.. its a shopping paradise for housewife.. i said that cos all the makciks were excited.. me and my cuzzy freakin bored n can go crazy cos we need to follow them around.. do u noe how huge that place is? my jaw dropped how huge place is... u cant go the to shop on foot.. must go around with vehicle.. advice for those who love to buy household stuff, 1. go early, 2.bring lots of cash and 3. come with big cars or car with space to put the shopping stuff.. u can like find everything there... i mean everything...
left that place in the evening than took the road trip.. we were caught in traffic jam... for dunno how long cos i fell asleep... than we made a stop at one of the resting area for supper.. than reach singapore n caught in another jam at the check point... at sing, sent my grand aunt at telok belanga than head back to yishun...
ya... thats abt it... i dun feel like gg to sch cos i'm having flu now... it minor..
Masturah @ 3:58 AM