heeeyyyyy!!!!!! exam is OVER!!!! wohhoooo... gg for my hols next week.. i got 3 weeks hols.. but stupid, got lots of event need to attend... sian... cant spent much time w baby.. here is my schedule....
first week, mon n tues- vocal training n the performance day at NUS...
second week- mon to thurs- student sem... will be at NUS with the foreign student for that 4 freaking days... i mean, sleep at their dorm as in over night... cool or wat...
third week- wed all the way to mon- Asian Youth Games volunteer duty... yepp... 6 days straight... its on mon n i will miss first day of sch...
sian... my hols so pack...
niways today i sat for my Customer Relationship Management exam... it was great... 2 section... mcq is e killer... but the short ans questions are simple.. thanks for the tips mr lee... the paper is 1n half hour... if i do continously, i'll finish at half an hr... so i decided to take my time by doing the simple n obvious questions... sleep for 10 min than continue.. hahhahha...
i cant leave sch so thats y i didnt leave early... cos aft paper, got that damn DETENTION!!!! yes ppl, for the first time i went for detention... its for being late for sch.. for this whole mth, i need to stay for 60 min... fcuk! so was despatch to the lab n do cleaning... thank god it air conditioned... but get to go off at 45min...
niways wore my late bro's DC shoe... its freaking yellow n damn striking! huh! ppl were like looking at my shoe n those who noe me will talk to me abt the shoe... hhahahah... mr zaki walked pass n he look at me... he say.. "masturah!.. so yellow... hhehehe" hahhaha... wth... but i dun think i'm gg to wear it cos i scared i'll spoil the shoe cos its a treasure from my late bro... i'm rough n i'm nt good at being careful...
last night, my late bro came to my dream... lately everyone dreamed abt him... i miss him so much...
tmr i need to go to Bishan ite for student sem... i have ambassadors training.. its at 1pm.. yepp.. n sch starts at 10 tmr... yay!!!
didnt meet baby today.. he wasnt able to fetch me... n i guess will only be meeting him on wed.. he wanted to meet his friends... n i have something on... haiz... had stupid squabble w him just now.. but its resolved... hahha.. wth...
k la, i go now.. bye...
Masturah @ 9:08 PM