mentally tired

heyhey.. for the first time i'm home early.. from sch i mean.. wohoo... i'm very tired, mentally tired...
was at sch till 12 and went over to balestier for the final presentation selection.. the best part is, we present only to the judges and not the students... lagi best, we complete the presentation and can go liao.. wohoo... the presentationn went well... but the technical prob sucks like hell.. hahah..
niways mr zaki sent us there and brought us back to clementi... went home from there... i'm meeting baby in a short while... luckily he called...
niways, today i was sad and stress abt alot of things and i got headache... real headache... alot ppl asked wats wrong with me cos i look very stress and sick... really alot of thing gg tru in my mind... i was'nt sleepy but i just fell asleep.. i cant take it, my head hurts so bad that i have to go to sleep at mr lee's lesson.. mar said i fell asleep probably bcos my mind were too tired fighting the pain and also cos too many things in my mind..
i cant tell what exactly in my mind... but this is the main picture.. should i take everything i have and do a fair job on everything... or shuld i let go of certain things so that i can do the best in other things? everything is too dear and important to me.. i'm worried about damn alot of things that it does concern me and i am too tired rite now to care abt other things..
what shuld i do? should i let go of some things that is a burden to me? i have too much things burdening me... god please help me...
k, i gtg... bye...
Masturah @ 3:55 PM

good morning everyone... hope everyone had a good morning cos mine is really sucks like asshole... had a fcuking bad morning...
thanks to the rain... i was so wet, i took the bus instead of the damn cab cos i want save money, there is no cab and i was early... damn it, the stupid bus came super late... i crossed the road with umbrella and my umbrella almost flew off... and the best part is.... i drop my phone! fcuk man! it drop in the rain and i did'nt realise until someone picked it up... damn it....
my phone was ok in the first place... fcuk now canot fcuking use it.... so ppl, i dunno hoew anyone can contact me... all the bast la k...
than in the train baby msged and said he is at jurong to meet his fren... fcuk man, i was mad... amd the best part, i cannot really ask what exectly his point...
right now i am mad and furious cos of my phone and my baby... i'm having a bad headach.. really i am in no fcuking mood now...
bye la.... dun contact me anymore ppl cos i wont be able to receive anything.. FCUK!
Masturah @ 10:50 AM