heyhey... baby just had a hair cut!!! and i am the first person to see it.. hahaha, cos i was there during the cut. omg! baby looked so much better.. i love his new look! love the hair cut! damn he look real good.. look smarter infact... hehhehhe... he look grown up to me..
so i ended my sch stuff at 6.30pm... reached admiralty at 7.20pm.. met baby at 7.30pm. sooo... we went to the barber, i sat outside initially but baby wanted me to sit inside with him. i was actually in bad mood, maybe cos i was tired. so i did'nt entertain him and i was'nt myself when i met him. i was stress la... i was gloomy and baby was trying to cheer the atmosphere... he joked abt gg to other girls i still can say sacarstically,"go la".. but when i see him having the haircut and his reaction, i started to smile. when i see the end product, my mood was much better, he was smiling away and i can't stay mad... hehehe..
than went over to his place... his mum wanted me to come. i did'nt want initially cos i dun feel good, but she already cook, so i just go. she cooked pasta.. yummy... hehehe... had small talk with her and getting comfortable with her.
we than watch amazing race. half way tru his mum had a call, which is a long conversation. baby make me sit at the sofa w him. she cant see us, baby was like holding my hand... i feel like hugging him and give a kiss but cannot la.. so tempted man.. hhahaa.. read the story he wrote... she than came out of the kitchen and sat at the sofa w me... baby went to the toilet... hehehe, me and his mum chatted.. small talk la... hehehe...
we left when the amazing race ended.. walk to the lift, heard the gate close, baby immediately kiss me.. but sudddenly his mum shout out his name, wahliao! scare me... she tot baby left the ezlink.. hahahaha...
we went to bustop.. but i did'nt want to go home... so we went to the nearest playground area, sat at the bench. it was so nice there, its so cooling with a little wind. and its very dim. not too quite or lonely.. the setting is just perfect. baby lay on my lap and i played with his hair. and he fell asleep.. he was hallucinating also... cute.. but watching his face, just enjoying the silent breeze with my hand in his hair while the other hand playing his ear, it was nice... i love it when he fell asleep when i played with his hair.. i just love to see him like that, the face of comfort. there was a moment i felt so magical. i had that unexplainable feeling and i cant describe here... but one thing for sure... i felt that our love is there and going strong despite of the unhappiness we felt. and i knew that i am the only one... i wish i could live in that moment forever... he really fell asleep, but suddenly got a bottle drop sound. irritating and baby got scared and woke up.. ass...
than he sent me to bustop.. gave my final kiss, miss a bus than go home. reached home at 10.45pm... baby called and wanted to meet me tmr... maybe he fetching me from sch tmr...
kk, i gtg... bye... above is his new haircut pic...
Masturah @ 11:26 PM

i am bored like crazy now...
baby.. i love you so much...
lets recelebrate our second month...
baby, whatever i have said or done to u, i still love u like crazy...
i love the way u look at me when u do my hair
i love the way u smile when i put my finger in ur mouth
i love the way u touch me
i love the way u hug me
i love it when u had fun
i love ur grin when u'r happy
i love it when u rest on my leg
i love it when u call
i love the way u appreciate me for who i am
baby.. i love u so much...
Masturah @ 3:51 PM

oh my god... first day at school.. real boring.. suddenly so many ppl and of cos new faces.. hmm... been disturbing my frens in class cos really i am bored.. hah! i ended my lesson damn early... the lesson at 12 was suppose to end at 2 but it ended at 12.45. than next lesson was suppose to be at 2, brought forward immediately... than it end at 1.45... good la lesson end, but i got student seminar stuff at 4.30pm.. sian! just now chill with my team member at staffroom with ms chan... fun... now i'm in excess room.. boring...
i'm missing my baby la... cant wait to meet him later.. wonder what is he doing now.. he is gg to skip cca to meet me and cut his hair.. hehehe... can meet him.. was'nt suppose to meet til sunday.. hehehe...
k la, i go now.. bye...
Masturah @ 2:35 PM

heyhey... i am in sch rite now.. it was a usual morning for me except that i woke up in a new day and here my boyfriend's voice.. hahaha.. he woke up late... sch sucks today cos we came at 8am and than they say change to 9am. than com einto class have a short intro to the new teacher than class over. sain sai! classroom also boring... now my next lesson is at 12nn.. wah! mampos, if at home, i would have meet my baby already...
niways tyd went out w my baby, i did'nt get to blog cos my lappy is with him. he blogged. ytd outing was kinda boring. we are celebrating our second month but dunno where to go. so we anyhow la go anywhere..
first we meet up aty woodlands. was suppose to meet at 9 but we both woke up at 9am.. hahaha.. than planned to meet at 10 but i was so late and reach at 10.45... so sry baby... than we went to play guitar hero.. iplayed Black Magic Woman and he played Baraccuda. than went to his place to change shoes and he go toilet.. haha..
we took bus to harbour front than go sentosa. freaking boring and a waste of money.. took pictures though.. even if its boring, we still got each other to entertain.. after the long walk at the beach than we went to imbiah lookout. nice view than decided to go out of that boring place...
went to vivo city, found a shop with lots of dragon ball items.. baby's favourite.. than went into timezone but dun have guitar hero.. what sia! sian.. than took the train to douby ghout.. went to plaza sing, than to istana park. really, it was boring.
than took the train went to raffles place. we walk along the clarke quay, we did parkour and i vid.. he hurt himself but still continue. jump here jump there.. scary... but only do a short parkour cos alot of ppl.. suddenly baby accidentally hurt my feelings.. but it was ok after that...
than we walk to marina square to eat kfc.. than walk2 to peninsula.. boring and tired than went to funan mall... until 9pm we decided to go back to my place.. but we dunno where is the bustop that have 851. we say the bus but no bustop. so we took 166 to kk hospital than took 851..
back to yishun than lepak at my vd with my lappy.. he mad e a very funny and cute video.. hahahah... lend him my three quaters and bring some drinks cos we both damn tired and thirsty.. he than went aff at 11 plus.. thani reach home change and wash up.. i fell asleep while waiting for baby to reach home and call.. so tired la...
niways in 851, there were to so many banglas and its so cram... baby make me stand infront of him to protect me... hehhe... than got one part we walk pass a coffee shop with lots of foreigner drinking, baby walk and hold my hand tight cos its scary... heheh.. my baby very sweet..
lots of things we convers about but i shall not discuss here.. hmm.. so my second month celebration is boring but thank god i was with baby, being with him tis not boring at all.. best if i get to hug him.. heheh
later aft sch meeting him... acc him to go cut hair..
kk bye..
Masturah @ 9:50 AM