i'm at sgh..

hey everyone.. its kinda late now... i'm at singapore general hospital... my grandad is hospitalised again. i'm worried for him... he was just hospitalised two weeks ago... n now again. he is having kidney problem... looks serious now... all my family is here... the whole 5 siblings of my mum all here... all is here to visit... hoping no one will leave me cos i just lost my brother not long ago... right now, my heart still ache when i remember how he left us... may my dearest bro rest in peace...
niways just now my granddad was rush to hospital to in ambulance cos he could'nt breath... was sent to tan tock seng.. than now transfered to sgh... rite now waiting for him to be warded... the service pretty slow... haiz..
my plan w baby to watch harry potter is cancelled cos i need to rush down to hospital... k la i stop here... bye... niways, above is my late bro pic... it was taken when he go for reservice few weeks before the unfortunate accident...
Masturah @ 11:25 PM

I'm back!!!

heyhey everyone... i reach singapore yesterday from batam. the trip was fun but tiring. i went to batam for 4 days. i will talk abt it ltr la k...
niways ytd baby izzy fetch me from harbour front. i told him my ferry will be arriving at 7pm. but than i got to noe its suppose to reach at 7.30pm. and the best part, i reach at 8pm! poor him have to wait for 2 hours or so i guess cos he came at 6pm!... when we meet, we still have to wait cos my teacher wanted to give a debrief.
when i went to batam, i brought 2 bags with me. one is my laggage and the other one is my pouch. when i came back, i bring extra two bags! it so heavy and bulky. so we decidedto take cab back home. when i reach home, i put my stuff than go eat w my baby... reach home at 11.. was suppperrr tired and sick. oh ya.. on the last day of the trip i was so sick. who body aching like having fever. guess was away from my baby too long... i miss him like crazy. over there i manage to call him. but only for awhile.
rite now i'm at library w my baby... my internet at home broke down... stupid.. gg to watch harry potter on my lappy later w my baby... i love him so much.. he came my house this morning, we played the games we always play.. it was real fun, miss playing those games w him...
kk, i stop here.. bye... niways above is the photo we toook ytd when i reach singapore...
Masturah @ 3:38 PM