Above all that happened this whole mth, we both endured and gave support to each other, he was there for me when I was sick by all means that he could afford… and I did my best to be by his side and take care of him when he was sick.. I thank god he is recovering and not in pain anymore… I thank him for the comfort he have given me when I need it the most… this mth, is the test of how much we cared for each other… I guessed we have proved it to each other… I’m glad we made it this far… and I swear to god that I love him with my deepest sincerity..
When he was on my lap, he was almost in tears, he said “thank you for being here.. I’ve troubled you and I have never made you happy” I couldn’t say anything, I just hug him tighter and kissed his forehead.. to me, he was never a trouble.. I love him and that mattered the most… he is a part of me and can never be taken away.. no matter how many times we fight, at the end of the day, we both noe how important our existence for each other… no matter we celebrate our 6th month or not, this month endurance and test is a gift of time and opportunity for us to show how much we cared and loved for each other, I guess that’s the best gift we could offer… I thank god for all that has happened.. I always believed that everything happens for a reason…
I love izzuddin from my deepest to the rock bottom of my heart..
Masturah @ 10:04 AM

Heyhey.. been busy with school, didn’t have the time to update my blog.. sorry… niways, here are the update for last week..
went to sch was bomb with so much work, more like project… ended sch early, so I went over to mar’s place and do project at her house… ended at 6 plus, met izz since her hse is near to his hse… spent some time and went off..
went to sch as usual but left at 1 for my medical check up at the National Skin Centre at Novena… the doctor was mad at me for leaving the hospital early, I could at least done the biopsy for tissue sample or rather skin sample of the rash for investigation. By the time I went to meet him, the rash is counted dead as it has blackened and painless… told me to keep a watch and if new lesion come, I have to make an appointment and do the biopsy. He wants to make sure that it don’t occur again, in other for that, they have to make further investigation.. he told me to make sure to attend the appointment arranged for me on 20 August at TTSH. Again I had to do the blood test and urine test, damn it cost me $40! Haiz..
Niways after that went to woodlands to meet izz, had dinner than met mar to take back my lappy… we than head to the library to use the internet.. izz looked real sick by than.. we tried to keep it short than walk home… he walk me to a bustop than went off…
went to school… and guess what? I was reading this book called The Man named Dave.. I was so engrossed and forgotten to call mar when I reached Admiralty mrt station… hhahha, so I just go off and meet her at clementi.. it was so funny and it was the second time… the first time was last yr when I was listening to my mp3 and total went into daze and completely forgotten about mar.. hahahha..
Sch ended before 12.. but my group is have roleplay at 4pm cos that is the only slot left… since I got so much time, I decided to go and meet izz as he is sick… I brought some medication for him.. reached his hse and discovered that his fever was real bad… i ate my lunch real quick and attend to him… we were on the couch and he lay his on my lap. I took a bowl of iced water and towel. I put the freezing cold wet towel on his forehead… wiped his extremely hot body and his neck, I didn’t leave his side… his temperature shoot up to 39.. I was so worried.. I make sure he feel comfortable.. I kissed his forehead and make a move at 3 to go back to school for the roleplay… just before I left, he vomited in the toilet, the more I couldn’t leave him.. thank god he understand my situation…
At night, he called me and was moaning in pain to the point that his voice shivered.. I was so worried that I cried… he was vomiting while on the phone… I couldn’t sleep and was checking on him every now and than for his condition.
I felt so helpless, I felt like running to him.
I was suppose to work in the morning but I asked permission from my mum if I could come in the afternn…
As soon as I wake up, I called him… went to meet him and bring him to marsling polyclinic in the morning… I fetch him at his void deck, he looked real bad, I was scared that he might drop dead from the pain he is in… as we walk, he vomited occassionaly.. he got real pale, was in so much pain to the point he had to squeeze my hand. When we reach the polyclinic, we walked in the rain, it was so inconvenient to go to that polyclinic… I was so worried, I didn’t care the risk of sickness that might hit me, I hugged him cos he was cold… I wanted to do everything to make him feel better; I wished I could take away the pain…
I went into the room together with him, he wanted me to come with him… doctor said he is having high fever and prescribed him with all sorts of medication and got 1 week mc… we took the bus to wdlands, I waited for 913 with him, I wanted to accompany him home, but I was late for work, he didn’t mind and he assured me that he can make it home on his own… gave him a good tight hug and a kiss on his forehead and leave.
Took the train to yishun and took 39 to pasir ris. Worked was tiring but worth it… went home so late..
I followed my parents in the morning… so tired but for my parents sake, I dun mind sacrificing my weekend for them…
Aft work, took the bus and meet izz at admiralty.. it is 160809… marks 6 mth being together… we had dinner and spent time on the walk… we didn’t really really prepare anything since we were caught up with so many things… me being sick for weeks, hospitalised, indon wedding, he being so sick, me w my sch work and my work.. its all so hectic… I did do something but have nt shown to him yet..
Niways his condition is better, no more fever n vomiting… he can eat and is recovering.. I thank god for that… cos I’m busy in the next few days, we decided to celebrate our 6th mth by watching movie on Wednesday cos I end sch pretty early… wheee, got free movie tix cos I won the national day pledge message…
ok, i go now.. bye..
Masturah @ 9:44 AM