hey everyone.. i am really really tired today.. had a long freaking tired day....
sch started at 8am to 12.30pm.. between the classes only short break n in class wasnt really slaking... by the time i sat at banking hall for lesson, damn i was sooo sleepy n tired... than went for lunch break for an hour...
at 1.30pm, went for choir audition.. let me explain, its not that i'm interested, but my class was selected to perform a choir performance in june at a university hall for i think ite graduation ceremony... so i have no choice but to go.. i anyhow sing and got selected.. was'nt really happy cos i dun like to sing that much... but than went we start training, it was soooo funnn!!! we went from la la la la la la la la to ya ya ya ya ya ya... hahahhaha... we trained on breathing, half way training and the ya ya ya, i went woozy and so freaking dizzy... than we were to perform two item, the national anthem and our ite song... hahahah... we start with the first line, damn its not easy but fun.. we sang at this line... mari kita rakyat singapura sama-sama menuju.. and its hard... hahaha... but some of us have to stop there... got to admit, its tring...
at 2.45 me and a few others went for the asian youth game briefing... was a briefing of the lacation and duty than the course... it went all the way to 7pm!! damn it was soo tired and was trying real hard to stay awake... so fraking sleepy... i was writing and falling asleep... damn it la...
than i went home aft that with nisa.. we took the train and we didnt get to sit... sian... so tired.. reach home at 8.30pm...
now i got to get ready and go my aunty house than tmr i need to work.. n i heard on sunday i will be working also.. wah... i'm tired... i want my baby izzy!!! i did'nt get to meet him for two days cos i was busy... i miss him la....
kk, i got to go now.. bye...
Masturah @ 8:49 PM

hey.. good morning people... i'm so sleeppyy... i'm in sch...
hmm.. last night baby told me abt something and its weird... i dunno what to do though... i need to get the full story soon cos its killing me.. i wont go disappear just like that... but i dunno where we r standing right now.. somethings not right and something tells me something will go wrong soon enuf.. i think the matter we need right now is trusting each other.. i dunno if my trust is there for someone i truely love... like ppl say mistakes teaches lesson... and we'll learn to love each other with problem arising.. i hope this matter will make us stronger and not break us apart...
baby, just to let u noe... i will love you no matter what, even if we cant be togather.. u'll always live in my heart.. lets work this out and not let anything interfere in our relationship. lets put in the effort if u r willing to n hope u will keep ur promise... we've been tru it and i hope you noe what i mean.. u noe how much u mean to me... its too precious for me to give up on us, to give up on you over stupid things... baby, i love you, i hope our love is strong enuf to go tru this...
kk, i go now.. bye...
Masturah @ 8:34 AM