heyhey... i'm in lab 101.. damn my stomach hurts alot... i think its coming soon.. its time...
niways had 2 hr lunch this afternoon.. the four of us decided to have lunch at clementi central... so we bought food from ananas cafe... i bought fried mee... so cheap.. hahaha... the weather was like freaking hot.. didnt have the mood to eat at the void deck across the road.. so we decided to go back sch n eat... hahaha, we were so irritated n lazy, took cab back to sch... its only $3.40!!! hahaha.. we shared among the 4... gosh, we all think alike...
we sat outside banking hall and eat like nobody business cos no one was there.. ahahhaa...
lesson was so dry that i keep dozing off... it was so hot outside n we r inside in a nice dark aircon room.. how can it not be tempting to sleep.. even ms chan say she feel like sleeping.. hahaha.. n bcos everyone was dozing off not on purpose, she let us off early... hahak...
i've done the test n 1 presentation... n now 2 more presentation to go... but i dun think gonna do it today cos of time constrain...
gonna meet my baby for parkour later.. yay! i'm missing him... cant wait to meet him later.. haiz.. only god noes what i'm gg tru right now... leaving him is not a solution for me.. its too easy to give up... i still have faith in him... its so easy to gain but to maintain something so precious is so hard.. it takes two to work it out n it takes alot of mental strength n faith to keep up... i hope he realised what i went tru for him.. i hope she realise how hard it is to be in my position... girl, i noe him more than u do... i face more than u do... i hope u understand how i feel n do what is right.. u think its a good think to steal someone so precious to me? u have no idea what i went tru w him... please let him go if ur a woman who have feelings... i really love izz... he is mine.... kau tau tak ape cabaran aku lalui? cobaan yang aku lalui sangat hebat...
k la, i gtg.. my lecturer just came n lesson is half an hour left... crap...
Masturah @ 2:09 PM

heyhey.. gd morning everyone... i'm in sch, just came back from essamly session.. god, why everytimr i come out of that lecture theather i will be so strees???
last few weeks i got warning from my section head abt my attendance... my attendance was 86%.. i only absent 2 days without valid reason n i'm hanging on my throat... today, my attendace was reflected again but for improvement rise to 89%... wth.. i came to sch everyday n hardly late.. i only took 1 day mc... still not enuf.. the expected of us is to have 95% and above... wow.. n with my profile in sch, i cant afford to have bad attendance... mrs yeo mention to me that i have to buck up cos i am gg for a competition next week representing our sch... fuh..
than she mention about our industrial attachment... we were suppose to have 4 weeks hols in september b4 the industrial attechment... but after review, we will have to start right after the exam n no hols.. or at least 1 to 2 weeks hols... omg... that one nvm... to find an ia also problem.. i'm in trouble cos they have limited space for interns... so that means they look at good attendance, good grades n good conduct.. damn, i'm dead cos of my attendance.. haiz...
the way she describe the working experience.. jialat.. haiz.. i'm so freaking worried abt my ai.. i cannot afford to score any C in my exams cos of my profile in sch.. i need to have a lot of focus from now on cos these semester's module, i can tell u, its a killer.. its so tough even our lecturer admit it.. oh god please help me..
i dun want to be a whim complaining every single bit.. i'm not complainig.. i'm just writing what i'm worried abt.. it occured to me that to go through all my troubles, i have to have mental strength... i guess i need a strong one.. i got to be strong n not leaning on anyone.. i have to do this on my own... i wont give up on anything, be it personal or sch...
k la.. gtg.. got test to do.. bye.. my baby is still a part of my priority.. i love my baby izzy.. i just seek mercy from 'u' to let go of my burden....
Masturah @ 9:12 AM

it takes alot to trust... its been difficult for me... its been real tough... some ppl just dun realise what i went tru.. they may not noe... but i face the truth... i dunno what to say... should i listen to every single one? but i'm the one who knew him deep down.. not those out there who just assume or maybe discover a part of it.... should i follow my heart or follow what everyone says? i noe they mean well.. some ppl just have to make things difficult for me... n i dun mean "sad story".. i was refering to someone else... u noe, i went tru alot to still stay by my baby's side... i seek ur mercy to let my burden go... ur not the only one who gave me a hard time u noe... god, please show me the light n strengh to carry on.... whether i'l l carry on with or without my baby... y is it so difficult to stay by my baby's side in peace? so is it the time to let him go? or is this a test for me? i'm getting breathless... its easy for u to say... but what abt me? its easy for u to take him away from me or maybe borrow him... but dun u care how i feel? what if u'r in my shoe?
btw.. thanks "sad story" for the advise... but i'll deal with my own problem....
Masturah @ 1:05 AM