heyhey... went to sch today at 10pm.. was a lil late but the supposedly section head talk was delayed like 20 min.. hahahha..
so went in n found out we were all cheated.... its not that the section head wants to talk.. they wanted us to watch a movie... so we watched Slumdog Millionaire... its nice... love it... interesting, mystery n funny... they movie make me want to look forward for the next scene... think i'm gg to watch it again..
than aft that movie, had a quick lunch than rushed down to bishan ite.... went for the student seminar embassadors meeting.. me n dexter only.. n guess wat!? we were late for 50min!!!! we reach abt close to 3pm! gosh.. but thank god we didnt missed alot of things... than were informed abt the group i'm incharged.. i'll be taken students from Hong Kong n Canada... yepp.. will be at the NUS hostel from 21 to 23 june.. with them.. the itinery so packed.. yepp..
than aft that went to meet baby izzy at adm... went to his house to put bag... than went out for dinner at wdland mart.. than went back to his hse to change shoe n went to play soccer.. we played at void deck than went to the field.. played till 8... baby kick the ball accidentally hit my face... hahaha.. than my head hurts... than got 1 part he accidentally kick my ankle... i realised that i ran faster when i run aft the ball.. felt good playing.. felt good aft the run.. was like sweating like mad.. than go his hse to bath...than go out again... went to lepak than went home at 10pm.. was like out there for an hour... had a good time him...
i'm gg to have a date with on sunday... yepp2.. not gg to meet him tmr n saturday... sad seh... ytd nvr meet him, missed him so much...
k la, gtg bye...
Masturah @ 11:36 PM