hey there... i'm in class now... very angry with my junior cos they last min and i mean it, last min like they only inform us at 12 when its the reporting time... thanks for making us doing duty when we need to attend a class...
niways baby sent me to sch this morning.. we were early and still can go to the mall at clementi to go to the toilet.. hahahha... he took the bus with me... since its raining and i was waiting for mar, i told baby to send me at the bustop... but than he decided to walk me to the gate.. he make me wear his jaket to protect myself from the rain... so sweet..
later i got banking ops test...
aft sch got to rush down to wdlands to meet bby to take my lappy... than got to rush back to pack up... i'll go off to malaysia at 6pm... gosh i need to rush... i have not pack!!!
baby.. please take care of urself here in singapore when i'm not around.. behave urself, jangan noty2... i love u tau... and only u... no one else but u... when i come back, the first thing i do, i'll hug u... i'm going to miss u like crazy.. baby, when u meet ur frens, dun forget me... just because i'm not in singapore, i'm always right here next to u..
baby... i sayang u soooooo muuucccchhhh... sayang sangat sangat kat u... i love u.. i wish i could bring u along with me... i wish u could see the things i'm gg to see there.. enjoy the stay with u... enjoy the food with u.. and i wish i could experience things with u there... baby, i'm so sorry that i have to leave you here in singapore so many times... i'll come back before u noe it....
kk, i go now... bye2 ppl... see la if i can post later... gg to give my bby my final hug and kiss before i leave for malaysia.. i want to cry now.... k la, bye... i sayang my baby.. muacks...
Masturah @ 2:22 PM

above are photos taken on mon and today... he cooked for me pasta using maggie mee.. heheh yummy.. loved it... btw, i'm still writing abt 29 apr 09...
so today met him... we reconcile aft that stupid fight... so we went to wdland nlb... i read foxtrot comic and he do his stuff using my lappy... than somewhere in the late afternoon we decided to go eat.. baby bought ljs food.. than we went behind mrt station.. sat on the floor and eat.. hack la if ppl want to say us wat...
than my bro msg me to go to m1 shop to look for a phone for myself... what? ya, u heard it right, get a phone for myself.. any phone up to me.. wow... i was shock... the reason y he want me to get a phone is to get the line and apply for blackberry service cos he just bought a blackberry phone... went to m1 and decided to get either nokia e63 or LG secret.. but but, must be 21 n above! freak.. than went over to singtel, must put deposit of $450.. creep..
than me n baby went to lib to kill the time while waiting for bro... than went to maccy cos lib close.. so met my bro, went to singtel, wanted to pay bill but cannot.. must use axn or sam machne... sam needs the bill's barcode.. axn close... wht!!!! so finally decided to get this settled next week when i'm back from kl...
than me and baby spent time at maccy till 10.45pm... watched whose line is it anyway... so funny... than went to interchange, baby sent me to my bus... at the escalator, we hugged real tight cos it may be the last time i'm meeting him before i leave for malaysia for 4 days... was so happy today with baby cos we shared something today.. i just realised that no matter what happen between us, i just love him so damn much... i just wish that no one will take him away from me...
baby, dun be sad ok.. i'll be there for u when u need me... i'll give u my support whenever u need it.. i'll help u out when ur in trouble... i'll give u all my love when u dun have one from them.. life is never fair and just accept the fact.. its sucks i noe.. its not that i have everything that i want and i'm very happy.. there are things in my life that i dun get and not happy abt.. baby, please be strong to go tru this phase of life... i'll be right here next to you in times of trouble.. but baby, please noe that nothing comes for free even if it dun deal with money.. u have to put in the effort.. i can be there for u.. but u need urself to be success for urself.. many ppl may help.. but if u dun help urself, u wont go anywhere... dun give up on life and i'll not give up in helping u... its just a matter of u want it or nt.. please work hard for urself n not for anyone... u need urself to survive... not me, not ur mum or ur frens.. u need urself... its entirely up to u to hear what i got to sae.. i'm saying this cos i care for u and ur future..
baby, i hope u read this part of my blog cos its for u and infact this blog is dedicated to u... baby, i love you so much... i dun want to see u in so much trouble and unhappiness.. i want u to be happy.. i'll help as much as i can... i'll be there as often as i can.. and i'll love you as deep as i can... trust me, it can go deeper than this...
baby, just this once, read this post... and listen to what i got to say... niways its up to u to decide whats wrong and whats right.. u want to play this game and u noe i dun like it, its up to u... u urself noe where our relationship will lead to if u do the things i fear of... its ur freedom and in the end u'll face the trouble urself.. if u think it'll benefit u than go ahead cos in the end u'll hurt many hearts... u'll hurt mine and thats for sure... but them? u'll hurt them too.. its up to u what u want to do... but just keep it in mind that i'm ur gf.. and that i'll love you no matter what... i hope u wont take me for granted... baby, i'll learn to trust u from time to time... but u have to earn it urself... put in the effort k...
baby, i love you more and more each day.... dun leave me cos i wont leave u.. that was the promise that u made between us... i got future to work hard for, i hope u'll understand.. baby, u r my future too... lets work towards our dream togather...
kk, i got to sleep now... bye... baby sending me to sch tmr.. yay!
Masturah @ 12:44 AM

i'm so tired... just got home to meet my sayang... btw, i'm writing abt 29 apr 2009
he was mad at me ytd cos i attend to my project first and put his sis heath ay my second priority... what the hell??? i'm sorry k, but look, i am just an outsider, what do u expect me to do? good enuf i tried to reach u when ur mum took me as the last resort to get hold of u.. u did'nt even go sch.. i am even mad at u cos u blame me yet u went out with ur FREN after i told u abt ur sis.. like what the hell???so i'm suppose to be responsible for her when i'm just her bro gf? what abt u? y did'nt u do something when the responsibility is entirely urs? what do u expect me to do? i have my own commitment.. u've planned to met her b4 hearing the news but its call emergency thats where plans should be canceled due to an EMERGENCY... thanks alot for ytd.. what makes me mad is u went out to meet HER instead of attending to ur sis... u dun have the right to blame me... seriously, grow up!
sorry la baby if u'r not happy with what i just wrote here.. i'm mad that u blame me and wrote it in ur blog.. this is my blog n its my freedom to write whatever i want...
Masturah @ 12:29 AM