heyhey... i did'nt go school today.. i'm down with flu.. i cant get myself up to sch and i was'nt even late.. i guess i was too tired these few daes.. not been having a good rest since the first day of sch... i did'nt have enuf sleep.. that probably the main cause for me to get flu...
niways i woke up at 7am, informed the necessary parties for my absence and went back to sleep till 10am.. i called baby to inform him that i did'nt go sch.. he said he was abt to leave the house but than we decided not to go to sch too.. he wanted to accompany me to the doctors...
so i went to sleep and he woke me up at 10am to meet him... so met him at adm and went to his house... went back to sleep, he wanted me to rest at his place so that he can take care of me.. than at 4pm, we went out... decided not to see the doctors cos i took the medication at his place...
we went to causeway... than suddenly we feel like watching a movie... so decided to watch Jangan Tegur... watched at 5.30pm.. damn the show is sooo scaryyy... rating 4/5.. i was like grabbing baby's hand real tight... i tried not to scream cos the last time i did, baby got shock.. haha... i felt like leaving the theater half way the show cos i was scared.. there was one part i grab his hand until its numb.. alot of suspense... baby, thanks for the comfort.. appreciate it alot, sorry though for grabing ur arm, i love it cos ur arm real nice to hug... like pillow.. hahahak... but one thing nt scary and nice is when her husband call her sayang... so manja.. hahha...
than we head to the library cos i was craving to read foxtrot comic... now i'm addicted to foxtrot comics.. real nice to read... i like jason's character.. so cute and weirdo.. hahaha... than we walk to adm n i took the bus home...
my relationship with baby now is getting better.. ytd we had some misunderstanding that i'm not quite sure what went wrong... he apologied last night.. was quite mad at him for his attitude like that, when he called was abt to cry and my voice was cracking.. i keep it short, did'nt talk much than put down the phone... ltr that nite, he msg me to apologies... it was like the whole week we had tiffs... quarrel alot and was so hurt the whole week.. so this week we start with a good mode... hahaha...
i love my baby so much... i love how the husband n wife in the movie called each other sayang.. so sweet.. hahha, me n baby decided to call each other sayang... hahaha... abit awkward though... niways baby was so sweet today... i love him sooooo muccchhh... he had fun today... filled with so much joy.. i cant believe we could feel this happiness when just a few daes ago we wanted to break up.. is this wat ppl call the power of love?
niways at banquet saw this guy, i think he is my sch mate... we saw each other... the first time i walk passed him, i saw a glance than i forgot abt it.. than when i walk back, i did'nt look at him but baby say he was looking at me as if he knew me.. than saw him again for the third time... we look at each other, suddenly he smiled at me, so i smile back.. hahahah, i really dunno him, only saw him b4 at sch..
than got another girl, while we were gg down the escalator... i was facing baby, he was giving me a kiss on my lips, suddenly when i turned my head, a girl from another side of the escalator that is gg up, look at me and smile... than she clap her hand while looking at us.. what the hell is wrong with her... i dunno he and baby say he also dunno her.. hahaha... weird...
kk, i go now.. my nose is still not ok.... bye... i love my baby sooo much... he is the greatest treasure i have.. i noe he have lots of friends.. but i noe i'm the only one he love...
Masturah @ 11:32 PM