hey there... its gg to be a short post...
i just broke up with izz.. not his fault... but its my situation that is too stressful that complicate things even further...
its been tough on me these days and things just got worst each day.. only god noes wat im gg tru... i dun blame anyone.. i just need the faith to carry on...
right now i need to focus my attention on my career and my family who needs me more than izz do...
for now i dun want to get into any other relationship, i'm too packed to do all that... right now, i'm all for my family business that is facing bad crisis and my attachment that has never ending pile of paper work.. in fact my schedule is so pack to make spaces for izz or even friends... i think its a good decision to make at this moment...
some people say at times like this i need the person i love the most supporting me from the back... but i noe i'm strong to face all the things i'm gg tru right now.. i got faith in me and i'm not looking for sympathy...
right now i, i dun want izz to be caught up with my situation... i'm letting him go cos i want him to have his freedom.. and when i have the time, i want to date with different people without getting attached...
no doubt i love izz but right now is not a good time for me to hold on to him.. i just wish he have a good time and find happiness from other girls better than me... its sad but i'm strong and its the right thing to do...
k la, i gtg.. my work is really bloody alot... too many paperwork to go tru... i'll drown my sorrow in my work and when i go to pasir ris later, i hope i'll feel better meeting my brothers at the Livia Condominium project site...
bye... i'm still strong though its breaking up inside... i have faith in me... i'll hold on tight till the storm passes over...
Masturah @ 12:11 PM