good morning everyone... i'm so sleepy.... zzzzz....
i'm in class, just finish my assignments, so that is why i can blog...
this morning baby sent me to sch.. hehheheh... yay yay... almost did'nt make it...
baby gave me morning call at 6.45 am.. than told him to mit at admiralty mrt at 7.45am... but than suddenly he say he want to fetch me from yishun mrt. so i reach mrt at 7.45... he was so late that i thought he did'nt make it.. i was like walking everywhere finding him... than i gave up, i took the train and alight at adm... suddenly he call me using public phone... he say he just reach yishun... maaakkk... so i waited for him at adm... took the train at 8.25am... was like so late la...
i dun care la if i'm late cos baby sacrifice for me to sent me to sch and go late for his lesson.. hmm.. hope he wont do this always... no good to skip sch like that... so reach clementi he decided to sent me to bustop. than took the bus with me... hahha... he thought of sending just at my sch bustop... but he walked me all the way to the gate... wheee... too bad i cant give him a hug or kiss cos got so many student... but gave him a quick peck at the gate cos no one was there... hehhehe... i love my baby so much... luckily i was'nt late... i made it in time and i was like taking my time.. hahahah... luck is on my side...
it was weird in the train cos i was wearing my banking uniform that looks like business wear... and he was wearing his ite polo t... so its like awkward la... that i was wearing my businees shoe so i am a little taller... hahahah... but fag it la... i love him like mad... heheheh...
later after school meeting him again... but dunno if he will fetch or not cos of timing... surely i will stay late in sch...
k la, i gtg... update soon... bye... i love my baby izzy...
Masturah @ 10:20 AM

baby.. i miss you so much!! love you like crazy.... hmmm, did'nt get to meet him today (as in ytd) cos i am busy and he need to do some stuff...
maybe meeting him ltr in the morning. he wants to send me to sch and maybe later meet him after sch...
sian, was'nt able to meet him, but thank god we talk on the phone, i felt better. baby kept on telling me not to leave him no matter what happens. it was sweet that he said such things which i dun want to write here.. baby, i really love you so much... u dun leave me too k... i need you...
he was so bad, disturb me like crazy... ltr when we meet, he better be ready.. i will attack him back like crazy.. ish! so bad u noe make me like that.. hahhahhaha
i love my baby izzy... no one can deny that n no one will understand how deep i love him... only we both noe how much we love each other... saying that i love him is never enough...
baby, thank you for all the support you have given me.. for staying by my side when i need you. thank you for being who u r that i love so much. thank you for loving me this much and thank you for making me feel this way about love... i love you so much...
ok, i noe u guys want to vomit, sorry la, its my blog... hahahha.... dun like it? than dun read... hehehe... kk, gg to sleep... bye...
Masturah @ 12:48 AM