hello... its saturday.. people shud be just wake up.. its so call the first day of my 'holiday'... hahaha, but guess what?? i jost got back from Orchid Country Club... had the AYG briefing just now..
we were brief abt our general roles... i got usher... cool job n its the most tiring job in this event, thats wat aaron told us, he is our usher coodinator... so, there were Jurong Ville secondary students abt 27 of them n 6 public volunteer, that includes me.. so there is a lot of position need to be fill up... the students got the crowd control n the messy job.. the 6 of us are to do ushers for VIP n information counter... we were given a choice... n i choose to do inforation counter... yepp... usher VIP boring... at least Information Counter more challenging n sounds cool to me...
went there in the morning took cab... woke up at 7.30.. freaking tired, i just want to sleep more... so i continue sleep till 7.50 than took a shower... cos i really have no idea of how to go though its near.. i took a cab... than i realise its quite near.. was chared $4.20.. so reach there 15min early... i just want to be sure.. first time i'm early for something... i force myself to be early... reach there so sian cos dunno anyone from there... suddenly i saw Mei Jia, my classmate.. wohoo... was so happy... hahaha...
was suppose to end at 12 but it ended at 11... actually can end earlier if they didnt dilly delly... hahaha...
so me n meijia decided to walk out to the bustop instead of taking the shuttle bus... so walked to the bustop was near.. tot of taking the bus.. but than its like quite near to my house.. so i decided to walk... yepp, i walk along.. was a bit freaky cos the road so deserted n its beside a park n "forest"... scared got dog of bangla chase me... hahaha...
so i walked alone n i manage to use that time to have a peace of mind... finally i have some time for myself being alone without any distraction.. did lots of thinking... i felt its now between me n myself... that walk beside yishun park n the playground no one was there... so i sat at the swing alone n swing myself... aft awhile it started to rain... i still continue.. than it got heavier, tot of gg to the shelter but got so many construction worker.. so i walk home... in the rain... n here i am at home... so early.. guess i gg to catch some sleep... need to rest... tired... of everything... i felt good being alone n spent time for myself n not anyone else... its peaceful...
sian, really my hols are freakin pack... the 3 weeks hol, i'm only free for 5 or 6 day.... yes, i am that busy....
k la, gtg bye.. meeting izz later i guess...
Masturah @ 12:39 PM

talked to izz otp just now.. funny conversation... had a so called conference between me, him n his mum.. hahhahha... watever... niways he got to watch his damn hot temper n irritating attitude... niways got irritated by him telling his damn stupid jokes abt other girls n him... idiot, its not funny ok... its sound stupid when u say just joking... i hate ur stupid idotic joke... but watever it is, u r still in my heart my friend.. love u like always... niways i hate it when he tease me... irritating, been teasing me like crazy.. idiot sia! love u la izzuddin... maybe gg to meet him tmr.. gg to spend time w him n his mum... well he invited me.... funny, we r now just friends but he still want me to meet his mum... well ok la, a favour fom my dearest friend i guess... but he die2 want me to meet him tmr... n on sunday instead of gg out on a date he wanted to play badminton with me n make his mum join us.. huh????? ok... go... hahhaha.. wth... i think i need to sleep la.. bye.. gd nite... love u izz..
Masturah @ 12:56 AM