btw, my blog is still new, many things is still undone as can see. i'll do it as much as i can kk.. hahak..
my baby must be sleeping.. missing him cos never get to meet him today...
so till here bye...
to the stalker who just called my cuzzy, u can go to hell. get a life asshole!
Masturah @ 1:16 AM

i had throat infection called tonsil
Hey hey.. my second post... i am so happy rite now because i am on my way to recovery from my nightmare... i was sick since tues, was having tonsil, its a throat infection. it was so bad that i even swallowing saliva is very painful, what more eating and drinking. even breathing and talking is like hell.
Was so sick by wed and that day was my final exam for Banking Products and Services and it is not easy. Izzy sent met me in the morning and sent me to school, he was so sweet, i could'nt talk much to him, all i could do is smile and talk a little.
Sat for the exam and thank god its managable, than i went to Lot 1 acc my frens while waiting for Izzy to call. we went to eat but hell it was pain. than i went back to yishun to meet izzy, he went hme to change than meet me to bring me to the doctors. since the doctor open only at 7, we have 2 hrs, so we played CS. i was so not enjoying the game cos i was in pain. than we took the bus to my place to go to my family doctor. we went immediately without him eating first cos i can't take the pain anymore.
so went to the doctor and it cost me $32.. thank god baby was there cos i was short of $4.. than i acc him to eat, i did'nt eat cos of my throat. and we spent time at the nearby park and than he went home.
the next day i did'nt go to work.. so i rested at home, baby was so sweet, he called me at 7 just to remind me to eat my medication. than at he came over to my place to keep me company since i was sick and no one at home. we left at 5 to north point to eat. we ate the chicken rice. i was so in pain everytime i have to swallow, i looked away, did'nt want baby to see my face. but he saw my face and my eyes were tearing when i tried to swallow the food, he hold my hand and told me to bare with it.it was so sweet when he said he wish he could take away the pain, he said that he felt the pain by just looking at me. i could'nt finish cos the pain was unbearable, i ate my med when i just took it 2 hrs b4 when its suppose to be 8 hrs interval.
he than acc me all the way to sgh cos my grandfather is hospitalised. it was unexpected that my parents came at the same time as me, since baby was already there, so i decided he is already and my parents already saw, so i just intro him to my parents, than we went to our seperate ways. at hospital mum made me eat porridge since i was still hungry than she bought me vanilla ice cream. had a little fever aft that but my throat recovered by morning.
so this morning, my throat was ok, felt a little pin but it was much better. yay... was so happy that i forgot to eat med till baby reminded me in the evening. i was so famish cos i have not had a proper meal for days. so i went to fork and spoon at tpy with my nana(my cuzzy) we ate teppanyakki set meal on hot plate, i finshed the whole thing. that later that night went down to eat roti prata cos i was craving of it.
i so was touched by baby izzy for spending time with me when i was so weak these few days. baby, if u r reading this, i just want to say i'm sorry for putting u tru all this, seeing me suffering in pain. thank you so much for being there for me. i love you so much even if i always have doubt on you, but i the trust between us will grow. i really love you so much, muacks.
btw, when i open my mouth and see y throat, it was suppose to be round rite, but mine both sides have lumps and ulcer. it makes the pipe smaller. that was why it was so hard to swallow anything. kk, i better stop here or else u guys gonna be bored. bye.. i'll post tmr.
Labels: 2 more days..
Masturah @ 12:14 AM