guess what? i'm sick... haiz.. i hope i can tahan until tmr so that i dun have to take mc... than weekend i can rest hopefully.. but got feeling i'll be working at pasir ris... hahah... what a luck...
niways me and izz got back togather last night... we had a talk... it turn out that we both cant bear to leave each other for this kind of reason... haiz... syg jgk die kat aku.. hahaha... of cos i love him like crazy, than y do u think i can last with him till now with my love for him going strong... i really need him by my side in these dark hours.. see la, i'm falling sick already cos of too stress out or maybe overwork and lack of sleep.. i know, i know, dun be mad at me, i'll take care of myself as much as i can...
k la, i better go now... i got so much work to do in so little time... its getting crazy, work never ending.. my god! bye...
Masturah @ 2:30 PM