student seminar...

heyhey.. i'm back from sch... so tired... had a long day at sch.. my lesson ended at 12.30pm.. than i had student seminar stuff till abt 6.45pm.. damn tired.. really alot of things to do...
was doing the paper bags.. the sticks.. than i need to rehers the presentation and i am taking more parts at the presentation.. man, its scary.. this thurs i have a presentation rehersal at my sch at 2pm and at 5pm i have rehersal for my own even called The Next Green Designer. i am organising the fashion show with my team as a student seminar project. its a big event for me cos i am the leader of this event.
now i have to do lots of things...
1. the presentation script
2. amend the slides
3. programme list
4. check list for logistic and everything
and the list goes on...
just now mr zaki send me and davin to yishun to but the cloth for banner... than along the way he bought us maccy at ang mo kio drive tru..
went to buy the stuff and took cab home.. reach home at 9pm.. tired..
k la i gtg... bye...
Masturah @ 9:45 PM

i'm late!
good morning peeps... hahaks.. had a sukiest morning ever!!!! i woke up LATE!!!! i was suppose to be in the trian at 7am and i woke up 6.57am!!! its the first pasir ris train at the red line.. mampos! i take super quick shower and hit the cab to mrt station.. ya.. paid $5.40 for waking up late... reach sch at 8.15 am... mampos... luckily my teacher excuse me.. dunno how la...the best part i forgot to bring alot of stuff.. the jar, the newspapers and dunno la whatelse.. i wore slipper sak! my toes hurts... but i bring my heels... sian later got s.w....
kk, i gtg.. now doing research on bank teller.. update later.. bye... baby did'nt wake me up and i did'nt get to call him as planned... hope he is not late...
Masturah @ 9:08 AM