guitar hero.. new addiction

heyhey... had blast today.. wheeehehehe.. i was working today in the morning... i did'nt sleep last nite.. ya.. so working was tiring.. i fell asleep while doing my job and its dangerous. so mum told me to take a nap in the van before anything serious happen.
called baby, he still sounded angry.. he than told me he went for his soccer training. but at 4 he called and thank god he sounded very cheerful. it was way better. so we talk and i dunno la, he say he was moody cos he fought with his fren who is jealous abt him having a gf. and found out there are like many other girls is mad at him abt his status. i'm sorry girls, he is mine....
so i went to meet him after work. went home to change of cos and met aft 6 at yishun. than we went to causeway point. guess what, we spent time at time zone. i brought my gold time zone card and we top up $20.. $10 each.. now we have a new addiction... Guitar Hero... wohooooo... gerek.. we played that for like 4 times, than we play crossroad or the scrambler, rambo, a soldier shooting game and hunted house i think its called.. we also played need for speed racing and he played tennis. ya, we had so much fun.
at the guitar hero, we played baraccuda, knight of cydonia, black magic woman and i forgot the other one.. when we played, alot of ppl watched us.. i dun like it, no freedom to make mistake and act crazy... we wanted to play again but than got these pros took over with large audience than we forget about playing it.. hahhaa...
we had dinner at maccy half way tru.. we ordered mc spicy chicken... so spicy and now my stomach hurts... aft the meal than baby told me that that was the only meal he had.. what sah, could have told me earlier...
niways we than go to interchange took 858... he took the bus w me, and alight at his area than i continue to yishun and head home. onmy way home got this attractive malay couple which looks familiar to me.. but dunno y suddenly i saw the guy look at me.. than when i look at the girl, she was like starring at me like want to fight. what the hell... so i just look away.. its like she keep looking at me with that look.
talk on the phone w bby and infact i just put down the phone. we were planning for tmr outing. its our special day. its so difficult to make a choice of where to. so finally we came up with a plan and i am not gg to tell you until it happens.. heheehe.. for safety reasons...
niways found out something about baby.. and i am not quite happy with it. kind of angry la... but than again to look at the bright side i got the rest of him and other girls dun. thats too bad cos he is mine now... and i love him so much. i love my one and only izzuddin. at least he told the truth, and we r working things out here... i believe our love is strong enuf and that no one can break us apart.
tmr is gg to be the day... yay.. btw we both wore the grey jacket just now.. hehehhehehehe... we wore the same thing and we did'nt even plan it.. haha..
k la, i better stop here before more ppl start to cry.. i need to sleep.. real tired now...
baby, i love you so much, i had fun today.. i had fun with you.. oh ya, just now we were planning to save money... share our money to buy the guitar hero and the drum set. i will take the drum and he take the guitar. hahaha... hope it will happen... baby was sweet when he said that nw he have a reason to save money and it is for me.. heheheh... i love my baby.. i dun need anything but his love, loyalty and honesty....
niways above is todays pic.. we could'nt take much cos we play the games togather...
kk, bye....
Labels: 5 days to go
Masturah @ 11:03 PM

hey hey.. i just came back from my aunt place.. its real late yet i am not tired. its just a normal gathering but boring cos of lots of things. the usual ones were there.. brought my lappy there for them to see the pic when were at indon. and i blogged just now...
talk to baby just now, but dunno y baby suddenly no mood. msged him like 3 to 4 times. than aft few hours he called.. he was in no mood, really different. and really i have no idea why and he is not telling me why.. what the hell... he told me that he is gg to call me back but than he did'nt call back and i am still waiting. i wonder what is wrong with him.. haiyo.. right now, he must be sleeping... today really very frustrating... not only with him la... u shud read my previous post..
moving on from that.. in 5 days time, it will be the second month... we will be celebrating this sunday which is tmr... but we have no plans yet.. i dunno where to go... maybe play bowling... maybe go beach.. see how la tmr k... i dunno what to get for him... i got a jacket and a t shirt from him from indonesia... gave him already.. but for the second month, i dunno...
niways.. so far.. i have gave him quite lots of stuff... this is the stuff...

i bought the jacket and the shirt he is wearing.. its the shirt is sex pistol british shirt. bought both at indonesia. i remembered him telling me that he have been looking for this shirt.. so i found it and its the last piece... i bought same colour jacket with him.. its all planned.

this another shirt i bought from batam.. its zoo york. i really had a hard time findng a shirt that suits him. the whole trip during the shopping i was looking for stuff i can buy for him. at the very last min of shopping before going to the ferry terminal, i found this shirt and i fell in love at first sight with it.. and i bought Aquos Georgeo Armani perfume. love it so much.. but its not original, yet the smell is still damn nice... but he accidentally broke it.. its ok baby.. i want to save money to buy the original one... he dun let me though.. but i still insist...

i bought these two bracelet at cambodia. at the time i bought it, we were'nt an item yet but i knew him before i left. we chatted quite a lot.. when i bought it, i already had the intention to give maybe him. it happens that when i pick these random bracelet, it looks matching.. after few weeks we stead than i gave it to him cos i forgotten abt it.

this is his jacket. he gave.. there was one day i met him after school. it was cold and raining. h brought it for me and it became mine.. i bring it everywhere with me even overseas... i still sleep with it... hehehe

this elmo is his also but its not mine. whenever i go overseas, i lend it to me as hi replacement. i brought it to batam and indon with me and obviously slept with it. but sleeping with the real person felt better.. hehhehe...

than when i came back from indon he gave me chocolate.. heheehee, forgot to take pick of it..
he cooked speggetti for me a couple of times... and i cooked a pie for him before.. hehehe..
kk; i got to stop here.. need to go to sleep..i need to go to work in abt 2 hrs time... baby, please call me when u wake up... i cant sleep when u r like this... i am so restless... i love you baby izzy.. muackss... and baby, good luck for your training, work hard k..
Labels: 5 more days
Masturah @ 2:40 AM