heyhey.. its been such a long time since i've updated... hahahah... today is my first day of sch from that one week mc... thanks everyone for the concern... i'm fully recovered.... i can go back to sch early but my family dun allow me... yupp...
its my first day n work load is piling already... damn it... got tons of assignments n project.. damn its killing me already... haiz...
so during my sick leave, i went to work to kill time n besides, they short of worker.. yepp, damn tiring like crazy... 6am to 8pm... hah! on tuesday izz came to work with me... yepp... was great to have him around helping me at work.. its a family business.. my bro is there too.. by dinner time, both my parents n my granny is there.. so he met everyone... cool yea?? at least i feel better working woth him around though its damn tiring...
ytd had a day off... mum told me to rest... so at 1oam went to izz hse n guess wat? we continue to sleep... hahahah... than in the afternoon we went to watch Hauting in Connetticut. nice... love it...
niways today is me n izz special day.. it is our 5th monthsarry.... wheeee!!! was suppose to watch harry potter today but i end sch late... so decided to watch it next week.. yay... niways i made something for him... i made him brownies.. hehhehe... first time sia! hope he likes it... than i bought a container n paste stickers on it.. the stickers are Stitch n Ben 10... hehehheee.... just need him to noe i love him soooooo mmuuucchhh...
things have been good between us... less arguement... learn to give and take.... things has gotten way better than previously... i love it now... i love him always.... my mum said that he is good looking... no izz is not only someone i love so much... he is a part of my life... ytd i went to shop at nite alone.... walking alone made me feel so stupid cos he is not by my side... every nite as i lay to sleep, i was glad that i met him and went tru all the ups and downs... we have been tru alot.. we made mistakes, we shed blood n tears... we shared laugther n happiness... even if he made me cry, i love him for who he is and except his mistake as a learning point.... really he is my life.... love him so much... i dun care what our status are right now cos it doesnt make any different... he is my life... i love him so much... he's been great, i saw his effort to make me happy n smile everyday...
so ltr i'm gg to meet him for awhile n pass the brownie to him.. yay! bye.. got to do my sch stuff now... bye...
Masturah @ 1:10 PM