heyhey... i'm having headache now... so tired and sleepy... had a long day today...
was suppose to go to sch with baby, he wanted to send me.. but than when i reach adm, he still at home.. he is late n i have to go... so i left fpr sch on my own... today i cant afford to be late, cos got assembly..
reach sch on time... went for assembly. met the new SH.... mrs yeo.. not bad la, she got the motherly figure... looks like someone with virtue and have great responsibility to take care of us in sch...
than went for mr lee's lesson, customer relationship management... hmmm, sian... we dun have the notes yet and i dun understand what he is trying to teach us.. i was'nt even trying to listen... he end the lesson 1hr early...
i went to change to my etp shirt than went for lunch w my frens at clementi central.. ate kfc breakfast and gosh, its suck, i dun like it...
went back to sch and do duty for cca fair.. its so boring and hot... did'nt really had fun... really i dun have fun.. than went for a short meeting and i dosed off quite often... really tiredd la..
than i had to kill time for student sem rehersal which is at 5pm... so i hang around, went for the rehersal at the staffroom... the presenters are all so tired, and they are really funny... like robot and all nonsense come out...
baby called, he said he at wdlands... he wanted to fetch me from sch... he took a long trip just to kill time.. he reached at 6pm but i'm not done... i did'nt expect that it will end all the way to 7pm... damn, baby was mad...
i rush to bustop where he was waiting and ya, he was mad... baby, i'm so sorry tomake you wait for me again that long...
than we took the bus to bukit panjang plaza and eat ljs... was so stupid to find the toilet that far but is just beside the shop.. hahaha
we that went to library for a while... he checked his soccer manager... than left that place at 9... hed to maccy cos i want to transfer songs... he chatted with his fren online, thats went something happen that makes me mad... but than again, i got to think, if he were cheating onme, he wont even let me read all what the chat was about...hahaha.. went for a war for a while... took the bus back to wdlands, than i decided not to keep my anger that long for alot other reasons... maybe i was a lil unreasonable... i reconcile with him but not saying a thing...
things were ok, he decided to take the bus with me and walk back home from the bustop... so sweet of him... than when he alight, we kissed, so, we're ok now... yah...
this whole week i will be so busy again.. i wont be gg into class aft 12 everyday.... today i had the cca fair... tmr i have student sem final presentation at balestier ite... wed half day, thurs i have a business seminar to attend which is at dover ite and on friday i have asian youth games volunteer training at simei ite... damn, i missed out class too much...i hope next week will be a better week...
k la, i better go sleep now..real tired, reached home at 10.45pm... gonna talk to baby for awhile... niways baby gt me addicted to a band called The Hoosiers.... i love baby so much... our love felt deeper... ouh ya, i will be gg to vietnam somewhere in june i think, its for nyaa gold...
kk, bye... i love baby izzy too much...
Masturah @ 11:30 PM