heyhey... i'm on 1 week mc from yesterday... i had tonsil again for the second time in a year... had fever the night b4 i went to polyclinic... my family scared that i might get swine flu.. but actually its cos of tonsil...
tis time round the swell is not as bad as previously cos i went to the doctor immediately unlike previously i only seek a doctor when its really in bad condition... when i told the doctor that its the second time, he was shock.. cos he said normally ppl will get tonsil once a year... if i get it again or i'm not recovered within a week, i might need to go for operation to remove the lump..
so for now, got to make sure i dun get too heaty... especially better not get fever... need to cool down n take care of the swelling in my throat... they gave me 6 type of med...
k la, i stop here... will update maybe when i go to sch.. bye..
Masturah @ 1:18 PM