last day with my baby...

hey everyone... today is the last day i had with baby izzy. cos tmr i will be going off to batam for my nyaa gold award. its sucks to leave when i'm not even thrilled to go and i had to leave my baby.
so today i spent time with him for like abt 10 hrs. he was suppose to come to my place early in the morning but he was so tired so he came in the aftnn at 1. was at my place from 1 to 5. he played the ps2 and i cook the pie for him. than we watched "who's line is it anyway" in my lappy and eat the pie. played a couple of games. it was really fun and we really enjoyed the game so much that i did'nt want to leave. we have to leave at 5 cos thats when my bro coming back from work.
we went out of the house and planned initially to go to town, but than change plan to bishan. so we spent time at junction 8. baby had stomach ache but could'nt release it. we went window shopping but can't hold hand cos his aunt worked there. at 7 we decided to watch a movie. we went to watch Mall Cop. it was so funny. i rate it 3.5/5. it was so cold and i did'nt bring my jacket cos it was'nt planned. baby hugged me but i was still shivering. baby than took off his jacket and gave it to me. it was really sweet of him. initially i just cover myself. than i look at baby wrapping his arm, so i decided to share. so we hugged and cover ourself like a blanket. it was really comfy n nice to be in his hug. i really love him so much, i really do.
aft the movie at 8.30, he wanted to bring me to qlarke quay. since its already late, we just went to toa payoh. waste time than head back to yishun. when we reach yishun, it was already like 10. we sat at maccy and eat vanilla cone. than baby walk me to a bustop for me to take my bus. we seperate there at the bustop. it feels really sucks to leave him just now. i noe tmr he will send me to harbour front, but we only have abt 1hr togather.
today we spent quality time togather. every min to me is so precious. towards the night. baby was acting weird and went silent. i asked him, he did'nt want to say it. but than finally he said that he is going to miss me, he is worried that 4 days will be like 4 yrs. i can see he is really sad. i gave him a hug when he say like that. even now typing also i wish i could give him a hug. baby gave me his elmo so that i will bring it to batam to replace him. was really sweet of him. i hugged him tightly in the train.
baby, please take care of urself k. dun go and flirt around when i'm away. dun worry abt me, i will take care of myself. i will miss you soo much. even the thought of leaving you for this 4 days is killing me. i really dun want to go but i dun have a choice. maybe this can be a test in our relationship. being away from each other can measure how much we love each other. this is just 4 days. what if he go for ns in yrs to come? it will be even longer. baby, i love you so much, i see it is growing bigger by days. n i will not stop loving you. you really special to me. not only i seek a bf in you, but we're like bestfriend. we shared so much joy and understanding. even in doubts, i love you so much. i grow trust in you. hope to cherish our love even more when i'm back.
above is some of the pic i took with baby izzy previously...i'll stop here.. bye everyone. take care n see you when i get back. pray for my safety ya?
Labels: i'm leaving for batam..
Masturah @ 11:22 PM

trust lost and gained in a day...

hey there... i think i just broke another record. today i spent time with baby izzy from 8am to 10.30pm... that is like more than 14 hrs... heheehee...
baby came down to yishun, to fetch me at mrt. we than went to his hse to hang out. we reach there at abt 8.35. was just chilling and playing some game. it was so funn! hahaha. but than aft a while i fell asleep cos i only slept like 3 hrs last nite. i slept on his bed while he use my lappy on the floor.
we than went out at abt 10.30. i have a meeting at raffle's city shopping centre at 11 but i was late. baby la! did not wake me up... in the end we reach there at 12 plus.. i was having my student seminar meeting with my team member at bk. i was the last one to reach and they were eating. baby sat togather with us but doing his own stuff. i did'nt noe he would want to join us. the plan was to meet him at yishun aft the meeting. was glad he came, cos he contributed some stuff... hehe.. the meeting was ok. disscussed lots of stuff but its just a draft. nothing so productive but something is planned.
the meeting ended at 2.45pm.. poor baby izzy have to wait.. so aft the meeting, we head to esplanade library. it was nice there. no children and nice setting. comfy couch and nice scenery. however, its so noisy. there is a couple of ppl sleeping at the sofa and snoring soo loudly. can't blame much cos i must admit with the sofa, air con and lighting, even i fell asleep. but there was a mosaic fest concert going on rite outside my window. there were having sound check. was so noisy but nice. haaha... the sun were sooo glary outside, thank god we were in the building.
at 5 plus we went out to have late lunch. we went to marina square and eat at ljs. thought of staying there late but i forgotten that i needed to go to a post office to top up my electricity. so after eating we make our move and took the bus opp marina square. at the traffic light, there were a grp of minah wannabe... baby told me that they were looking at me.. maybe they just jealous i have a cute bf like baby.. hahha
so we took bus 133 to ang mo kio. i wanted to go to ang mo kio post office since it closed later than other post office. we were standing all the way in the bus. was huggging and teasing baby since i was bored. sudden i brought up this topic. he confess something aft lied abt it. baby, i was'nt mad that u went out with ur adik angkat, i was dissappointed that u lied when u could have told me the truth and probably i will understand. we created a spark and went cold. we were so silent and really cold. but than baby made something stupid that i had to laugh at was really dumb that he tied the string with dead end ard the pole. the best part, his ear piece wire was tied togather. initially i did't help. i saw him struggle so i help him out. in the end aft it was released, he said he did it on purpose. ass... hahahaha
we reach amk. but somehow we were cold towards each other, we did'nt walk hand in hand. i was still a bit mad at him though. went to top up than went to library. suddenly mum called, need to go back home. we were still cold but we want to spent time w each other still. we took the bus back to yishun. in the bus i was sitting down, i hold his hand, naturally, we reconcile. was sweet of him to cool off like that. love him so much.
reach yishun baby went to the library to wait for me while i go home to attend to the urgent errand. not long aft i came back to np find him. we hugged and kissed at the escalator down. dats where we build our bond. we went to ljs again to have our light dinner. we were eating and talking. was talking crappy stuff initially. baby told me he did'nt want to go home. want to spent time w me. suddenly we talk abt our personal stuff. i talk abt mine and i cried a little, baby was so sweet, he wiped my tears and gave me a big hug. we than went to maccy for awhile, wanted to use the internet. but it was spoilt. baby bought me an apple pie than we walk me to the interchange. we sat at the interchange for abt half an hour than i took the bus back home.
baby told me that i was the first gf that he ever trusted and he told me abt his personal stuff. i am so touched that he have the trust in me. aft that conversation, i felt that our relationship is getting stronger. knowing his problem and plans, all the more i want to help him as much as i can. i felt the responsibility to face his trouble togather with him. i really love and cared abt him so much.
today (as of mid nite) is the last day i have with baby izzy. since we have been gg everywhere, we decided to chill at my hse since there is no one at home. i will be cooking my special pie for him as promised. he wanted to come my hse as early as he can.. maybe at 7am... baby will be skipping sch for me. i noe its bad, but he want to do it for me... and tmr, he volunteered to send me to harbour front early in the mornin since i need to be there by 7am. i love my baby izzy sooo much... n rite now i am chatting with him.
k la i stop here... meeting baby in 6 hrs time..
Labels: all we need now is to trust deeper..
Masturah @ 12:22 AM