heyhey.. had a hmmm, cool day i sae?
went to airport to fetch the hong kong students.. there were like 10 of us, the student ambassadors n a few lecturers... n the hong kong have abt 90 students.. like wow alot.. i think we have abt 4 buses for them.. we were like "hello welcome to singapore, this way please" n clapping hand n waving n smiling.. hahaha.. tiring.. help them up the bus n followed them to ite simei... they put their stuff in a room then bring them to the auditorium for the rehersals.. yepp.. than we leave them there n go home.. initially was suppose to check them in into their hostel n bring them out for dinner... but plan change, so go back early...

went out of that sch abt 4.. called izz, n he said lets meet.. yepp... so met him at adm for dinner.. went wdland mart to eat, i ate fried rice n yummy its nice.. than we went to a hall.. n it started to rain, so we lepak there... so cosy.... haha.. when the rain stop, we went to a shop n bought chapteh... played at void deck.. hahah.. we throw it to each other n we were having so much fun.. hahah.. we play until the the chapteh got no feather.. hahaha... than went home at 8 cos i got things to do at home... seriously, something is wrong with me, i got cranky again when gg home... i hate it.. i noe he dun like it, he got to push me make sure i go home... haha, today didnt plan to meet him, tot not gg to meet him today.. he fell twice today cos its slippery n he was teasing me.. dunno y he keep on teasing me n he say he having fun.. haiz, idiot... but i love him... but somehow these few days i feel we both are missing something n i dunno wats dat..

niways today make a couple of new friends from other colleges, they r also the student ambassadors... they r evon from dover, faisal from balestier i think n the other guy from ite simei, forgot to ask his name... its great that me, dexter, evon n faisal can clique with each other... gg to NUS togather with them tmr.. hehehe...
tmr got to go national stadium to collect my AYG shirt n than go for the camp... izz has promised to acc me... he better come or i'll be mad.. hahah..
k la, gtg... bye..
Masturah @ 9:51 PM

red alert!!! red alert!!!... haiz.. wrong timing la... no wonder i got all signal for the past few days... i got this stupid pimple on my cheek at the cheek bone area, u can see it in my latest pic... than izz told me that i've been acting strangely ytd... n i realised my temper flew real fast.. i got sensitive n emotional real fast... hmmm... stupid la, i got to go for a camp n this happens... sian... no wonder i have been moody lately....
niways.... singapore has reached its 100 n above case of swine flu... n guess what?? my family or rather my mum got all worried abt me gg to meet the international students... they dun want me get affected n spead to the whole hse... better still, the whole house got quarentine.. haiz....
stupid la, the koren drama i have been watching online.. a few episode are not able to be watch dunno y the removed it... i got pissed last night so i went to sleep... so many episode leh!!!! argh.. damn it...
k la, i better go now... need to be at the airport at 1.30pm.. bye... baby, i love u...
Masturah @ 11:26 AM