heyhey.. just got back from meeting my baby... took cab to his hse cos its already 1plus n i cant spent much time w him today... the driver drive so slow.. its like driving at 60km/hr sia! so slow.. than dunno y all the traffic light turns red so fast.. freak...
niways spent time w him at his home... was comfy w him while surfing the net... we were in his room... we did'nt expect anyone to come home before 4pm.. it was just abt 3pm, suddenly we heard the door open.. baby was panic... hahahaha... i got no choice but to climb out of the window.. hahha... u shud have seen his face.. funny... hahahaha... scary incident... its like the second time sia! hhaha... i waited for him at the staircase cos he havent bath.... hahah...
we head to cwp.. since i'm not hungry yet, we went to the library... i did my research, he played w his nintendo...
we left at 5 n went to ljs for late lunch n early dinner.... at ljs met mira, raudah, fad n their friend... we take away chicken wrap combo n eat somewhere outside....
walked to adm w him than took the first bus that reached the bustop cos i need to rush home... tonite we have bdae celebration for my cuzzy n my bro, abg im...
baby was suppose to go for his cca, told him i couldnt acc him... than he said ok, he'll go aft 5... than suddenly he decided not to go cos he lazy... hahaha... he said he wanted to acc me... he'll just go on mon n he want me to come along...
we talk... told him to let go of me if he is interested in her... but than he said he dun want to leave cos he love me no matter what... he said to me that he love me more than anything or anyone... i guess i'll have to trust him... i gave him the freedom but he didnt want it... i'm confused... but glad he didnt keep any secret from me though it hurts to noe the truth... cos of her we both always have conflicts n cos of her he changed... but i noe he loves me the most, that was y he didnt want to break up w me when i asked for it... i love him so much... its stupid to let go just cos of some girl...
i love my baby izzy so much... i hope he keep his promise abt tmr....
k la, gtg.. bye
Masturah @ 6:57 PM

heyhey... just woke up from that dreadful sleep...
couldnt sleep last nite... had to take 2 flu med to make me feel drowsy n go sleep... felt so disturb last night....
i just dun understand somethings that going on right now.... i dun get it man... they thing i'm so dumb? haha.. u r wrong man... i'm not that dumb... u'll noe y one day...
i just have to say this... i really hate these ppl who disturb my loved ones.. dun they have their own life? come on la... get a life k... anw i hope u get what u deserve... karma will happen... sape terbace n terase?... oppssy... i'm not shooting in one direction... get a life freaks!
Masturah @ 11:30 AM

these are the pics taken on last wednessday... the day me n baby did parkour... wohoo...

Masturah @ 1:03 AM

heyhey... my new blogskin... wohooo.... nice? nice? just pic random only.. hahak...
Masturah @ 12:05 AM