heyhey!!!!! hahahha.. i'm sooo haappppyyy... hhehheheheh....
had a great day ytd with izzuddin... hahhaaa... met him... we played soccer and badminton.. than he train me for my coming NAPFA test... than went to his house met his mummy... me n his mummy chatted... so gerek until izz have to stop us.. hahaha, he tried to distract our conversation hhahaha.... i like talking to his mummy, she funny like her son... i found one secret abt him from him mummy.. so funny n cute.... hahhahhaha... i actually didnt want to bath, i tot of went up, meet her change clothes than go off cos scared might caught up with his daddy... but his mummy scolded me, told me to bath n not scared of his daddy.... but luckily he didnt come back that soon.... tmr his mum asked me to join her n izz to sheng siong to shop, but tmr i'll be very busy.. why everytime i have bbq, his mum have to ask me out.. i very much would love to go out with her but wrong timing...
niways after that me n izz went to sheng siong at marsling... he bought some ingredient that was suppose to surprise me.. hahahah... so i told him, i'll pretend i dunno anything.. hahaha... we bought otak2 than go off... we took the bus than go to adm area.. leapk n eat... than go home by mrt... ytd i eat alot.... at sch i ate nasi padang for lunch... than dinner with izz i eat chicken rice... than at nice we eat otak2, than epok2, than cheese fries.... alot seh.. hahaha... i eat alot when i'm happy... hehehe...
izz told me that his mum missed my shephards pie... i forgotten bout my pie.. next week when i'm free i'll make her the pie... niways i made brownies for my friends.. than i give some of it to izz n his mum... yupp... we chatted abt food.. hahaha...
niways my stitchy bank will not be the bank of anger and frustration but now is the bank of happiness and love.. yupp... dedicated only for izzuddin... i'm so happy with him ytd... i love him so much... he is part of my life... the one i cared so much...
niways i wont be meeting him today and tmr... i'm gg to be so busy... i need to complete my report by tonite cos deadline is tmr.. and tmr i have my industrial attatchment interview... argh!! thank god the interview is here in my sch... niways tmr evening i have a bbq party at ms chan house.. its probably our last class gathering before we all seperated for IA... i have to hand in 2 project by next week.... and the following week another 3.. mampos... argh... susah la seh...
i love izzuddin so much, i wish happiness will last forever... k la... bye... today i'm bad.. i dun bother abt class assignment.. well its not compulsory.. hahahahha.... sian weekend need to work.. now i guess the only time i can rest is when i have mc... hahhaha... okok, bye... i love my friends too... they matter to me too...
Masturah @ 2:18 PM