today was suppose to be the bestest day me n izz should have cos after all that shit we went tru, we r still here... i guess i was cruel today for making today the worst day of his life... i guess its the best that i can do... i told him that today is our last day of whatever we have... n its the last day we r gg to meet... since he wanted to be single n have freedom i'll let him have it n get the real meaning of being single... i cant tolerate our situation we r in now.. i can't be his date n having him dating a few other girls at the same time.. i cant bear to see that... its fucking hurts... so to be fair, i'm gg to let him go n let him date as many girls he wants n flirt around like nobody business... i dun want my jealousy to kill us both any futher.... i dunno for u girls out there but i cant tolerate having him flirt infront of me... but i told him he had enuf fun n want to come back to me, i'll be ready to accept him back with open arms.. n now he is cursing me as we r fighting, right now... haiz... am i being unfair? niways i have my flaws too that cause us to fight all the time... i'm always being negetive n tend to be kepo.... i'm always jumping into conclusion.. n i couldnt trust him fully... we both did our shit... n i dun see how to save our relationship.. so nw, i guess it's over... y should we cling on to each other when we r always not happy w each other?
Masturah @ 11:52 PM

heyhey... just got back home...
today is our final day for choir.. its our performance day!!!!! reported to sch at 9am... n went over to NUS.. had like 3 rehersals... the performance is at 3.30.... we had our break from 12 to 2pm... had our lunch n the rest of the time free... at first everyone feel sleepy so since there is a lot of lockers, we each took one locker n sleep inside... hhahhahaha... than the second hour, we start to camwhoring... swear to god me n ilah took pic damn alot... hahhaha... than the guys were force to put on make up by the girls n they look good... n nigel starts to say,"this is what happens when there is too much girls in our class"... n ilah will say, "omg, we dun have any guys in our class..." hahahahha... performance was great!!!! had to wait for that guest of honour for like 10min, we waited on stage infornt of audience n not suppose to move... so were tired! but our performance was a blast.. yepp...
my choir ended at 4.. than went to woodlands to meet izz.. its our 4th monthsarry though we are no longer togather... we went to watch TERMINATOR... its great!!! love it... yepp2.. hahhaa... than we took mrt back to adm n lepak for awhile than went home... ouh ya, he applied for a job... i helped him asked.. hahahah...
here some pic during the choir... the rest is in ilah's phone... n some of it is ytd's..

Masturah @ 11:07 PM