went out today... its been complicated... i love him so much.. can we still stay strong like we always do? its been hard for me these days... i cant say much cos i dun want to say anything... nothing is fair in this world... no matter how u tried, we all end up in unfairness... right now, i just pray to god to show me the light... praying for justice.. n praying for strength... is these all a test for me? is it fate or is it a sign? its been emotional for the past week for me...
niways, i would like to thank all my friends who has been there for me these past few days... its been hard for me... had a rough week... thanks for the advise... i noe u guys are mad... its hurt for u guys to see and its even hurting for me to go tru this... right now, i'll let fate take its course...
in two days time, its our 3rd mth... can we survive till sat? is our love strong enuf to push it tru?
oh god, please help me.... please give me strength to face everything... n i noe god is fair...
kk, i go now... bye
Masturah @ 11:20 PM

heyhey.. its been hell for me these past few days... went to meet baby izzy.. we had fun.. we will always watch 'whose line is it anyway?'... this has got to be my favourite one.. at least after watching this, it made me feel good for a while... here u go..
Masturah @ 10:36 PM

its been awhile.. i'm in n mood to blog... but i just update bout these past few days..
when to mit my syg on mon... we discovered a kitten... so cute.. cant take it, he decided to bring he home.. told him not to but the kitten just followed us.. brought her back to his house.. his mum didnt allow.. so we spent w her at the lobby... he called he baby.. she was sweeet... very manje.. she was like lying on my lap n falling asleep.. he took her home.. his mum allowed him.. they spent the nite togather... syg was so emotionally attached to baby.. he had to let her go even if he loved her so much.. i'm so proud of my syg for taking the cat back home and love the cat so much... this cat is an eye opener and that made him realise how precious a love is... niways here are the pics...

Masturah @ 12:16 AM