ItS OuR 1st MoNth!!!! celebrated on 150309

hey everyone!!! i am soooo happpyyyy... heheheh was so happy because i have stayed in relationship with baby izzy for the past one month. yay! i can't wait for this day and it all happen and already celebrated. we had an advance celebration because on monday we r both bz.
we went to alot af places for the day. we started of by...
- i went over to his hse for a while
- set off to vivo city by train
- at vivo went to giant, toys'r'us, best denki, courts
- went to harbour front centre
- at harbour front centre, went to see the daparture and arrival hall, mac donald and window shopping
- took the train to city hall.
- went to peninsula, surveyed the clothes and jeans
- than walk to the old parliament hse and sat at the padang
- we sat the padang, i ate the meal baby cooked for me and fed him, while he played with his orange ballon
- we went to esplanade, went to the library to play w the comp.
- we head to marina square to window shop
- we walk by the river to the s'pore river outside fullerton. (great night scenery)
- walk at the restaurant area all the way to qlarke quay.
- we sat by the river across the extreme dunno what, its the bungee capsule thingy. felt the pressure and fear by just looking.
-went to central market to window shop for awhile
- than we cross the bridge and walk around the qlarke quay where there is alot of bar and clubs. we saw pump room, c clinic (cool wheel chair as seats) and verge. so many tourist there.
- cross back the river and went to central market to the mrt.
- we took the train back to woodlands
- met nisa at wdlands to collect my lappy from her.
-went to civic centre and sat at the macdonald, baby was so hungry
- baby than sent me to the mrt and we seperated at 11.30pm
- i reached home passed mid night. baby acc me on the phone on the way back home. he told me tat he gave away our ballon to a kid. thats sweet of him.
we really enjoyed ourself, enjoyed each other company. were so tired at the end of the day, my foot even got blistered, hurts alot. but that does not erase the memory we created, the kisses, the cuddles, we were holding and hugging each other in the train. walking hand in hand, the whispers, the teasing, the laughter, the lesson, the pictures, the footprints, the conversation and alot other things we have shared. was one of the best days spent with him.
to baby izzy,
happy 1st mth, this is the happiest relationship i had, you were great and i love you so much. the misses and being away from each other even for a day is killing me. we shared too many kisses and hugs, we spent too much time with each other, we shared so much secrets and indulgence. even if its too much and overated, the joy and happiness was felt with much appreciation. ppl say its too much but to me its not enuf. i dun have enuf of u. i nvr regret meeting u, the first internet guy i went out with. it is really lucky of us on how we met each other. it was just a casual meeting that lead to this great love we have. we certainly have created the bonds that would take month with someone else. baby, we were lucky and we should thank god. baby, i noe we're still young, we have lots to learn and lots to explore. i hope u would stay with me till the end after chasing our adventure, hope you would realise and let me be the special one and not look for other girls. i won't stop you from doing things i dun like, but i hope you will realised i'm the one staying here by ur side. i noe u do love me and i love you too. i hope i am the one that you really love. baby, hope we will keep our promise and stay to the end. lets take our time to built our trusts. as much as u dun want to go away, me too dun wish to leave you. baby, i treasure you so much and i really love you... muacks
so here is some of the pics we took...

Masturah @ 11:56 PM