heyhey... wat a day... didnt mit izz today for some reason... went to yishun library at abt 6 n by 8 plus my lappy batt flat n no plug is free.. tot of gg civic mac to continue work... but izz dun let me go alone... he told me ask mar to acc me.. i called her, she say go her hse better since her parent not at home... yupp... so here i am.. yay!!!! done my research... thanks mar!!!!
i got to settle this by today cos weekend i will be working... so got no time... haiz... my mock test postponed to monday... ass.... sian ah.... i'm freaking tired....
izz mum invited me over for dinner cos she cook the food that i crave for... fried satay... yummy... but i cant go cos i got to do this research..
k la bye....
Masturah @ 10:13 PM

heyhey... today gonna be a short post... not really in the mood to blog anw...
had a sudden migrane attack ytd while i was with izz... took madication n went home early...
school work load.... wow
- resume
- banking op assignment, research on telegraphic transfer, traverlers cheque and priviledge banking in local and overseas bank.
- today got a sudden mock test for banking op.... shit!
- principle of commerce, 2 prject due in 2 weeks
- banking op role play in 3 weeks... shit man!
- customer relationship management project due in 3 weeks... sian!
- principle of commerce final CA exam in 2 weeks time!!!! fuck man!!!
haiz... i want to get iver and done with this bloody semester... so much work load... n yeah, next semester will be another hell shit hole... its attachment semester... its gg to be an experience in hell for abt 6 fcuking mth... yeah man...
just hoping that my personal problem wont affect me this final semester... just got to learn to balance my timing.. arghhhh!!!!!
izz, i'm sorry abt ytd... i love you so much... lets look forward to a better 6th month...
Masturah @ 9:27 AM