day 2 at indonesia

heyhey.. time check, its 1.42am indon time and 2.42am in singapore. i am dead beat. real tired!!! was trying to upload day 1's photo but the internet connection here is not so good and very slow to load. so i decided to upload when i get back to singapore kk...
so today day 2, we had breakfast, the engagement, shop for cloth, dinner and chill out... here we go...
the breakfast
we all went down at 8.30 local time for breakfast at the hotel. i ate a bit of fried rice, sausages and egg. than i took a bowl of cereal, mix of honey star, coco crunch and corn flakes. we than went back to our room to get ready for the engagement ceremony. its a huge mess, everyone's stuff is everywhere..
the engagement
we set out of the hotel to my bro fiancee house at abt 11am. we have two cars fetch us. we prepared 5 set of gift. we gave hampers of fruits, chocolate, another chocolate, cake and hand made fragrance(bunga rampai). and of cos, the ring.
the cereomony took place at kak putri's house which is not too far away from the hotel. traffik was bad. we start of with welcome speech by the bride's representative which is her uncle. than we have our rep, cik ghani gave the opening speech. he made an introduction of the family. he stumble alot. he mention abt my family and when he mention abt my late bro, i almost cried. since its a happy occcation, i control myself.
so, than cik ghani as a rep ask kak putri's rep formal to accept the engagement. mic pass over to the host and he made an intro on the huge indonesian family.
than the exchange of engagement ring took place.
we than proceed to the reception of rather lunch. food was ok, got alot of unfamiliar food. hahah, but i just eat. its a bonding session time also, so the singaporean family chatted with the indonesian family. i got to noe that kak putri's dad is running an election at for Bogor. cool huh, not only he run few huge advertising company, he also run for parliamentary seat at bogor.
took a couple of photo than cik jamil made the closing speech. we exchange the gifts and than go off. btw, for ur information, in indonesian custom, they do not have dowry. wah!
than we went back to the hotel. i was caught with flu. its probably caused by the weather which is hot and than the hotel is cold. than the smokers smoke in my room which is air condition, i can't breath in smoke or i'll fall sick. it happens alot of time and in most cases got bad flu and fever. worst of with broncitis. probably my lungs can't take in bad air. so i took flu pill. we changed than went out.
buying of cloth
this is the most boring part for me and the guys. only interest by ppl like my mum, granny and aunt or easily said, ladies. so they were choosing cloth for hari raya and for the wedding ceremony that will take place on 090809. i was so drowsy caused by the pill. i manage to talk to baby on the phone cos i top up my indonesian number rite outside the textile store. missing him badly la.. was told that on the wedding, i will be wearing a dress. wohooo.. the wedding will take place at this very hotel in the noon. than the dinner will take place at a country club. wah!
we went back to the hotel to rest. i immediately went to sleep cos my head hurts alot. btw, the hotel we stay in is situated right infront of Bogor Palace. in Bogor custom, a dear kept in their land will determine how rich the family is. was told that each dear will cost Rp 2million of i'm not wrong. and guess what, the Palace kept thousands of dear in ther land. the dears roam around in the land caged at the edge. so we outside can see those dears. cool huh.. its so weird to see thousands of dears in the middle of the city. u can also find horse ride on roads.
the dinner
we went to a restaurant called Gumaki Restaurant. they serve traditional sundanese food. the restaurant setting is soo nice... we ate outdoor and can see the village. can't take much pic cos it dark. they have band performance. the setting is so romentic and nice. we had dinner with kak putri family also. so there is like alot of us. we ate weird but seriously nice food. got weird name also. all in all food was really good. love the band.. suddenly i miss baby... sigh... we ate using hands, its traditional method.
than we head back to the hotel. it was too early, so we decided to go and chill out somewhere. initial plan was to go for karaoke with the whole lot of us. but plan change. my third bro, abg faizal, my mum and granny dun want to go. so we (7 ppl) took one car and head to a cafe. i was seated at the car boot. hahhhaa.... u noe that kind of car like mpv...
the chill out
we went to chill at MiddleEast Cafe and Lounge. nice setting. it has the arabian accent. we sat on carpets and they have pillows embroided by their cafe name. we had drinks and a snack. , my drink name is "Lady Don't Cry" is soda float with syrup.. niceee... than we had Pisang Bakar, or Grilled Banana.. its real tasty.. love it.. but abg im said that the grilled banana sold at road sides taste better. chill for an hour or so than we head back to hotel. reached here at mid nite local time....
can't get tru baby cos his sis used the phone, sian can't talk to him but just sms.. missing him badly. my bro came back late, but he dun have his room key. so he had to go down to the reception. it was real quite and so creepily silent, he had to ask me to acc him down. its like aft 1am.. hahaha...
kk, really need to go to sleep... i'm really sleepy and tired... tmr is gg to be another long day... bye..
Masturah @ 1:38 AM