omg.. its a miracle.. i'm at home lying on my sofa in this mid afternoon.. i hardly have this hour resting.. usually i go home from school when the sun is abt to disappear.. hahaha
but boring la at home... gg to meet my baby in an hour time... sch just now was ok, had a practice to be a bank teller, and swear to god its hard.. oh man...
i fell asleep again in the train without knowing and the best part, i woke up just abt to reach yishun..
now, i'm addicted to love stoned by hoosiers.. thanks to baby... hahaha
kk, i better get ready now, ltr late again mampos, baby will kill me.. hahaha... bye..
baby, i love u so much no matter what.. and thank you for understanding me at times like this.. thats wat i need the most... i'll learn to let go as much as i can... and i'll learn to love you the correct way...
Masturah @ 3:34 PM

heyhey.. good morning everyone!!!! hehehe.. my morning today is not as bad as ytd's...
niways did'nt blog last nite cos my lappy is with my baby.. right now i'm in school... went to sch early today cos i need to see mr zaki.. i got a bad news and a good news when i stepped into the staffroom... i got the good news first... i bumb into mdm hasnah, she told me that she want to pick me to go for gold award for nyaa earlier than schedule.. it was suppose to be next yerr for the submittion, but than i'm gg for this june's award... man thats fast.. she is gg to put me into a camp for voluteering thingy and i'm gg vietnam also... i'll update more details when i get them ok... but for sure, i'm the selected 5 cos the management wants it fast...
the bad news is, my student seminar team did'nt make it for the finals... its sad that we did'nt make it but good cos i can focus on other things... and yeah, i got coupons for cheaper movie tix at shaw...
niways ytd met baby in the afternoon.. we went to play at timezone, than had dinner and than went library... we than walked to adm to buy food for his meet... and met met his mum for awhile...
niways baby was so happy ytd dunno why.. but i was not in good mood cos of my phone n i am stressed out.. but i'm glad i met him cos i get to tell my mind off... he comfort me and ya, i felt better... thanks baby, he told me that i'm mentally stress... since my hp spoilt, he pass me his mp3 so i wont be bored.. so sweet of him...
kk, i better go now.. i'm hungry, gg for a break... bye.. i love you baby izzy..
Masturah @ 9:55 AM