heyhey... just got back... what a stupid day for me... hahahah... i think there is something wrong up in my brain... i guess it must b my stupid pms... hahaha..
niways i was with izzy the whole day... was suppose to meet him at 11am... but we both overslept n woke up late... we met at 2 plus i think.. we meet at wdlands, brought my lappy along... so he use my lappy n i... dunno do what..hahaha... oh ya, i was reading this funny called, America most DUMMEST criminal... hahahaha... funny stupid story...
than we went off, took the bus to triple 8 for lunch... ate at kfc... aft a while, we went out to few fitness coner to play a fool... hahaha... more like killing time... we lepak like everywhere, as usual... than at 6.30, when his dad went off to work, we went to his hse... his mum at home... went to change to his shorts n wore the white pink shoe to play soccer... we played at the field... he wore his boots... but i got no mood, so we decided not to play... than went back up... his mum was shock that we only went like 1o min.. hhaha...
so he took a bath... his mum told me to stay for dinner... she cooked kacang phool... i actually hated kacang phool since young... but when i tasted it, damn its nice.. no kidding... really finger licking good... hahhaha.. talk to her abt korean drama... well, izz told me that me n his mum has alot off similarities... hahaha... rested for a while than we went off at 8pm...
e didnt go home.. went to lepak at the void deck behind the bustop... i was so moody dunno y.. he tried to cheer me up.. seriously, i wasnt upset abt him, i just have no mood, n it was since morning... he tried lots of ways to make me smile again until he dance... hahhahhaha.... ssooooo cute... hahhahaha... was there for 2 hrs... i got cranky n so sensitive when i need to go home... n i cried.. hahahah... he told me to go home n i dun want to go home.. he was like persuading me to go home cos he dun want me to get scolding from my family... in the end, i did board the bus... n i cried... stupid sia!!! what the hell is wrong with me....
really today i dunno why i got all quite n sensitive... wasnt in my right mood... i pity my baby to have to go tru this thing in me.... i love him so much though.... niways today is the last day i'm meeting him... cos i'm gg for my student seminar camp on sunday aftnoon n tmr, i need to fetch the hong kong students from the airport n need to play host with them... he promised to meet me on sunday... he wanted to acc me to national stadium to collect my AYG shirts n he wanted to sent me off to NUS for the camp... yepp... was afraid that its gg to be the last time i'm meeting him... cos what if i get swine flu? n i get quarentine? nobody noe seh... its unpredictable...
baby izzy was upset that i'm not gg to be able to meet me for 3 days... but he was glad that we r still able to contact each other... yay, lucky me... we were like squabbling the whole day, n he say.. "marah2 tandenye sayang"... hahhaa... ya ya, make my heart want to explode lagi ade... i realised that though we r not a 'couple'... we r more that just a lover... more like a lover n a bestfriend... we have seen each other's true colour... omg... guess maybe gg to see more of this... its horrible to see the ugly side... but that made me love him more... hehe...
k la... gtg... gg to watch Boys Over Flowers... bby is not calling, guess he is mad at me for my stupid behaviour today... haiz.. i'm so sorry baby... love u no matter what status we r now... i love u more than ever... he told me two things today n that made me realise that we need each other not just as a lover... i dun care what our status is... or wat ppl gg to say... as long as we have our heart tied to each other.. n thats enuf... bye...
Masturah @ 11:21 PM

expired photos.... here r the photo during the choir.. too bad its not the performance.. just pictures of us camwhoring in the waiting room or rather changing room..
Masturah @ 12:02 PM